New publication: City-to-city learning to enhance urban #watermanagement: The contribution of the #CityBlueprint Approach. #sociallearning #watergovernance #citynetworks
#watermanagement #cityblueprint #sociallearning #watergovernance #citynetworks
Water governance: Much neglected subject. Himanshu Thakkar (SANDRP, India). Webinar today Tuesday, April 25, 2023. 10:00 - 11:00 New York (EDT). 15:00 – 16:00 London (BST). 19:30-20:30 Delhi (IST).
Organized by the Working Group in Water Governance at Ostrom Workshop
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 975 0155 2759
Passcode: 717996
Rising groundwater. Good article on three cases. “This slow-moving crisis is popping up in communities across the U.S., …one of the most important for government agencies and municipalities to take is simply more monitoring — in particular, at “maximum groundwater moments,” such as a few days after a heavy rain or at a high tide.” #groundwater #WaterGovernance “ @water_and_society
Rising groundwater. Good article on three cases. “This slow-moving crisis is popping up in communities across the U.S., …one of the most important for government agencies and municipalities to take is simply more monitoring — in particular, at “maximum groundwater moments,” such as a few days after a heavy rain or at a high tide.” #groundwater #WaterGovernance @water_and_society “
Read the review by W. van Deursen of "Misreading the #Bengal #Delta. Climate Change, Development, and Livelihoods in Coastal #Bangladesh", by Camelia Dewan, at
#watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance #WaterBooks
#bengal #delta #bangladesh #watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance #waterbooks
Farmer-led #irrigation development in sub-Saharan #Africa is... funded by donors: is this a policy contradiction, asks Grace Harmon : #water @IWMI_ #irrigation #watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance
#irrigation #Africa #water #watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance
Qosh Tepa Canal under construction in #Afghanistan
'Applying science' and irrigating 500,000 ha (a child's play) will bring 'self-sufficiency'... Déjà vu?
#irrigation #watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance
#afghanistan #irrigation #watermanagement #waterpolicy #water_and_society #watergovernance
Good long read on California #groundwater focusing on #WaterEthics of using #FossilWater #WaterGovernance
#groundwater #waterethics #fossilwater #watergovernance
I'm co-chairing a panel on "Crafting Futures for Irrigation Commons" at the International Association for the Study of Commons 2023 Conference in Nairobi. In Sub-theme 10 — Local institution building and radical futures for the commons. Abstracts invited by December 12, 2022.
#commons #WaterGovernance #Irrigation
#commons #watergovernance #irrigation
#introduction My research focuses on #socialinnovation, #transformations to #sustainability & #justice, #watergovernance, #socialecologicalsystems #resilience & #complexsystems. Also #imagination, diverse #speculative #futures, #reflexivity & more
Love #processdesign, and lead #transdisciplinary education programs with amazing #changemakers from around the world!
Also love humour, too many things for a decent intro & hoping to contribute to a positive, supportive & diverse community here
#changemakers #transdisciplinary #processdesign #reflexivity #Futures #speculative #imagination #complexsystems #resilience #socialecologicalsystems #watergovernance #justice #sustainability #transformations #socialinnovation #introduction
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#watergovernance #Rijnland #biodiversiteit #Leiden
#watergovernance #rijnland #biodiversiteit #leiden