How to Get #TaxCredits for #Insulation and #HomeEnergy Upgrades
The #InflationReductionAct is about more than just #solarpanels and #EVs. It can help you pay for that new #waterheater or #frontdoor.
#taxcredits #insulation #homeenergy #inflationreductionact #solarpanels #evs #waterheater #frontdoor
I’m lucky I caught that when I did and that I was home to do so. Phew!!! 💧💦🌊
So the plan today is to show Pretty Impala my "new water heater" and then maybe she'll let me play with her "huge tracts of land."
(Yes, yes, I'm joking but I really got a new water heater. Don't tell her! She does not know.)
#MontyPython #MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail #HugeTractsOfLand #WaterHeater #joke #funny #humor
#montypython #montypythonandtheholygrail #hugetractsofland #waterheater #joke #funny #humor
Hackaday Links: February 19, 2023 #highaltitudeballoon #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #EngineerGuy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #Slider #AIM-9X #BingAI #Sydney #APRS #wspr #HAB
#highaltitudeballoon #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #engineerguy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #slider #aim #bingai #sydney #aprs #wspr #hab
Hackaday Links: February 19, 2023 - For years, Microsoft’s modus operandi was summed up succinctly as, “Extend and enh... - #highaltitudeballoon #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #engineerguy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #slider #aim-9x #bingai #sydney #aprs #wspr #hab
#hab #wspr #aprs #sydney #bingai #aim #slider #chatbot #microsoft #sidewinder #waterheater #engineerguy #billhammack #amateurradio #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #highaltitudeballoon
Simple Wood-Fired Water Heater Is Surprisingly Effective #woodfiredstove #waterheater #homehacks #woodstove
#woodfiredstove #waterheater #homehacks #woodstove
Simple Wood-Fired Water Heater Is Surprisingly Effective - These days, humans have gotten all fancy-schmancy with their gas and electric wate... - #woodfiredstove #waterheater #homehacks #woodstove
#woodstove #homehacks #waterheater #woodfiredstove
Fixit Yourself: Water Heater Flame Sensor
#RVRepair #atwood #flamesensor #WaterHeater
#rvrepair #atwood #flamesensor #waterheater
Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a conical solar water heater using mixed asphalt absorber plate #solarenergy #waterheater #renewable
#solarenergy #waterheater #renewable
EcoSmart ECO 11 Electric Tankless Water Heater, 13KW at 240 Volts with Patented Self Modulating Tech for $222.47
13kw is a bigger size, 22% off
So, I managed to get the older heating element back in place so we could continue to have water. But I am still unable to replace them. If I am having this much trouble with the top element, the bottom element (where all the sediment and such is) will probably be worse. Looks like we will be speeding up our plans to replace this water heater with a tankless. #homerepair #waterheater
One-third of American households use electricity for water heating. Everyone of those customers could save money switching to a heat pump #waterheater. There is even a 120V version you can just plug into the wall.
Here's How to Troubleshoot 4 Common #WaterHeater Problems
#Homesteading #garden #permaculture #selfsufficiency latest news:
Double the life of your #WaterHeater
📺 Installing 4.8kw #SolarPanels
📺 Your garden will love #cardboard
Mobile #ChickenCoop design
Buy or #build?
Fuyu #persimmon #tree a #winter treat
Permaculture my #orchard
#Medicinal trees: privet & sweetgum
#REKO a #Finnish #FairConsumption model
3 ways to keep #plants cozy this #winter
Rocket Mass Heater design questions
These & more stories at:
#homesteading #garden #permaculture #selfsufficiency #waterheater #solarpanels #cardboard #chickencoop #build #persimmon #tree #Winter #orchard #medicinal #reko #finnish #fairconsumption #plants
Zero carbon emissions = no life.
"The Golden State will ban the sale of all new natural gas-fired space heaters and water-heating appliances by 2030, under a proposal unanimously approved by the California Air Resources Board on Thursday."
"Because California still gets about 40% of its power from fossil fuels, the transition won’t eliminate carbon emissions. The state is targeting a carbon-free grid by 2045."
#zero #carbon #emission #california #ban #natural #gas #furnace #heater #spaceheater #waterheater #resources #airquality #fuel
#fuel #airquality #resources #waterheater #spaceheater #heater #furnace #gas #natural #ban #California #emission #carbon #Zero