A sinister water spirit - known by several names in folklore, including Nix, water-horse or each-uisge - taking a boy into the lake. They say children are often enticed to climb onto their backs and then get stuck there as the water creature returns to the lake.
Gutt på hvit hest (Boy on white horse), by Theodor Kittelsen (circa 1890-1909)
#EachUisge #Nix #folklore #WaterSpirit #WaterHorse #art #MuseumArchive #PublicDomain #mastodaoine
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gutt_p%C3%A5_hvit_hest.jpg
#eachuisge #nix #folklore #waterspirit #waterhorse #art #museumarchive #publicdomain #mastodaoine
Happy #TellAFairytaleDay!
Want a fairytale love story about a #Waterhorse and a human? Here is the Scottish folktale, "The Kelpie's Chimney" https://blairtales.wordpress.com/2022/10/14/the-kelpies-chimney/
#TellAFairyTaleDay #waterhorse