Via CalMatters: California ranchers intentionally violated an emergency water order. Now lawmakers want to triple the fines
“The board doesn’t have the tools to act quickly,” said Michael Kiparsky, water program director at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at UC Berkeley School of Law. “The fish don’t care if the lawyers are trying to figure out who’s right or wrong if they’re dead.”
#lawfedi #EnvironmentalLaw #waterlaw #california #LawSchool
The legal deets on the complaint filed earlier this month by the Sierra Club and a coalition of local environmental orgs against the City of #Bakersfield:
The complaint alleges the city's diversion of Kern River 💧 regularly results in the complete dewatering of the #KernRiver, "w/out satisfying its duties under the CA Constitution, the Public Resources Code, Fish & Game Code, the CA Civil Code, & the #publictrust doctrine."
#bakersfield #kernriver #publictrust #waterlaw #lawoftheriver #CAwater
#Water thieves abound in dry #California. Why are they so hard to catch?
#waterislife #waterlaw #megadrought #drought #California #Water
First rule of western real estate: check the water rights. | Western Drought and Farmland Investments: How Will Water Scarcity Impact Asset Performance? #agriculture #agwater #drought #cadrought #waterlaw #naturalresources #conservation
#conservation #naturalresources #waterlaw #CADrought #drought #agwater #agriculture
First rule of western real estate: check the water rights. | Western Drought and Farmland Investments: How Will Water Scarcity Impact Asset Performance? #agriculture #agwater #drought #cadrought #waterlaw #naturalresources #conservation
#agriculture #agwater #drought #CADrought #waterlaw #naturalresources #conservation