Bloodstock 2023 Interview: Waterlines
One of the boss's big finds of the weekend were Waterlines. You absolutely have to catch these guys live!
Waterlines: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify | youtube
#waterlines #Bloodstock #interviews
Bloodstock 2023 Review Part 1 – Mosh
A delay getting the review up, but due to having to go back into work at 8:45 on Monday morning (in Glasgow) and not wanting to miss Megadeth I've been catching up on sleep after d
#GigReviews #Bloodstock #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #Megadeth #MuddiBrooke #RoyalRepublic #SeerthingAkira #SeethingAkira #TheViolentInzident #TorturedDemon #UglyKidJoe #Waterlines
#waterlines #uglykidjoe #tortureddemon #theviolentinzident #seethingakira #seerthingakira #RoyalRepublic #muddibrooke #megadeth #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #Bloodstock #GigReviews
Road To Bloodstock 2023: Waterlines
Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Waterlines play the Jager stage on the Saturday...
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
Between Manchester and Leeds!
How long have you been playing together as a band?
We’re about 18 months into Waterlines, since ch
#waterlines #Bloodstock #interviews