From Los Angeles Times: Sweeping California water conservation rules could force big cuts in some areas
#california #watermanagement #conservation
What are the links between #watermanagement and #climatechange?
In module 7 of our climate action training programme for rural Dublin (see we will be exploring this question.
The module will be delivered by Feidhlim Harty of FH Wetland Systems. Here's a sneak preview of his ideas:
#watermanagement #climatechange
How wastewater can help tackle water shortages
#water #waterscarcity #watermanagement #drought #heat #wastewater
#wastewater #heat #drought #watermanagement #WaterScarcity #water
Field-Based Monitoring Of Instream Leaky Barrier Backwater And Storage During Storm Events
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #NaturalFloodManagement #LeakyBarrier #FloodAttenuation #BackwaterRise #BarrierStorage #model #modeling #monitoring #flood #flooding #UK #England #Britian #photogrammetry #DEM #DTM #LiDAR #water #hydrology #extremeweather #climatechange #waterstorage #waterresources #watermanagement #storm #waterquality #ecosystem #benefits #engineering #infrastructure #transducers #streamflow #backwater #rainfall #precipitatiion #overbank #flow #innundation #floodmodeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #naturalfloodmanagement #leakybarrier #floodattenuation #backwaterrise #barrierstorage #model #modeling #monitoring #flood #flooding #uk #england #britian #photogrammetry #dem #dtm #lidar #water #hydrology #extremeweather #climatechange #waterstorage #waterresources #watermanagement #storm #waterquality #ecosystem #benefits #engineering #infrastructure #transducers #streamflow #backwater #rainfall #precipitatiion #overbank #flow #innundation #floodmodeling
GIS Powers Innovative Action Among State And Local Governments
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #stategovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #disasterriskreduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #environment #ecosystems #climatechange
#gis #spatial #mapping #StateGovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #Environment #ecosystems #climatechange
Capítulo sobre "soluciones basadas en la naturaleza como infraestructura urbana crítica para la resiliencia hídrica" Todo el libro es de libre acceso ¡Así que descárgalo y compártelo!
Chapter on "nature-based solutions as critical urban infrastructure for water resilience" The whole book is open access, so download and share it!
#Permacultura #Agua #WaterManagement #ManejodelAgua #Resiliencia #Ecología$002f9781800376762$002fbook-part-9781800376762-17.xml?t:ac=book%24002f9781800376762%24002fbook-part-9781800376762-17.xml
#permacultura #agua #watermanagement #manejodelagua #resiliencia #ecologia
Blow-Me-Down Brook, NH – An NHD Flowline Picked ‘Randomly’
-- <-- 1981 NPS guide
-- <-- USGS’s 3DHP home page
I am working on some hydroaddressing / network traversing technical approaches for 3DHP – and needed an example of a multisegment flowline in NHD-sourced dataset, and so ‘randomly’ got this one - Blow-Me-Down, NH, from WBD HUC4-0108.
Although we map so many flowlines (~20 million in the USA for NHD-sourced spatial data, estimated 10x that for the EDH data still to be determined across the USA), I like trying to understand what a flowline or waterbody ‘is’ to the people on the ground as much as I can...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3DHP #NHD #WBD #water #hydrology #USGS #mapping #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #EDH #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata
#gis #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3dhp #nhd #wbd #water #hydrology #usgs #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata #edh
How 3D Hydrography [3DHP] Can Set The Rivers Straight [USGS]
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #3D #elevationderivedhydrography #hydrology #3dhydrography #3dhp #elevation #3dep #lidar #ifsar #DEM #water #hydrology #nhd #wbd #nhdplushr #opendata #Nation #USA #rivers #streams #lakes #waterbodies #flowlines #waterresources #watermanagement #flooding #floodplain #appliedscience #standardisation #consistent #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #usecase #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #3d #elevationderivedhydrography #hydrology #3dhydrography #3dhp #elevation #3dep #lidar #ifsar #dem #water #nhd #wbd #nhdplushr #opendata #nation #USA #rivers #streams #lakes #waterbodies #flowlines #waterresources #watermanagement #flooding #floodplain #appliedscience #standardisation #consistent #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #usecase #model #modeling
@afewbugs skinny valley between Oregon mountain ranges. Zone 8b but flats are cooler and wetter than southern slopes, and north slopes are cooler still. Lots of mist, rain, downpours 6 months in a row, then not a drop. Fires come close most summers. My main goal is water management. #permaculture #watermanagement
#permaculture #watermanagement
As Armenian Fish Farming Expands, a Pristine #Aquifer Is Drying Up. #water #groundwater #climatechange #watermanagement
#aquifer #water #groundwater #climatechange #watermanagement
As Armenian Fish Farming Expands, a Pristine #Aquifer Is Drying Up. #water #groundwater #climatechange #watermanagement
#watermanagement #ClimateChange #groundwater #Water #aquifer
The Art Of Roman Water Management Revealed
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#water #drinkingwater #waterresources #wateruse #watermanagement #waterindustry #watersecurity #watersupply #waterquality #hydrology #ancienthistory #ancientrome #archeaology #Romans #archaeology #infrastructure #infrastructuremanagement #history #lessonslearnt #aqueduct #Divona #France #socioeconomic #geoarchaeology #limescale #cleaning #maintainence #carbonate
#water #drinkingwater #waterresources #wateruse #watermanagement #waterindustry #watersecurity #watersupply #waterquality #hydrology #ancienthistory #ancientrome #archeaology #romans #archaeology #infrastructure #infrastructuremanagement #history #lessonslearnt #aqueduct #divona #france #socioeconomic #geoarchaeology #limescale #cleaning #maintainence #carbonate
Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track, in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus on #WaterManagement (Oklahoma State University)
#MultiSectorDynamics #AcademicJobs #FediJobs
#fedijobs #academicjobs #multisectordynamics #watermanagement
From the Colorado “Irrefutable truths”: Colorado’s guiding principles going into Colorado River negotiations, according to its top negotiator”
#colorado #coloradoriver #watermanagement
‘What Are We Willing To Sacrifice?’ A Journey Down America’s Most Endangered River [Colorado]
-- <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #water #USA #USWest #colorado #coloradoriver #watermanagement #waterresources #climatechange #ecosystems #climatecrisis #GlenCanyonDam #waterrights #ecosystems #changes #model #modeling #environment #sustainable #sustainability #dam #LeesFerry #biology #hydrology #geology #endangered #archaeology #ecology #anthropogenic #resource #wilderness #FirstNation #foodweb #research #science #interconnectedness #culture #cultural #USGS #watersecurity
#gis #spatial #mapping #water #USA #uswest #colorado #coloradoriver #watermanagement #waterresources #climatechange #ecosystems #climatecrisis #glencanyondam #waterrights #changes #model #modeling #Environment #sustainable #sustainability #dam #leesferry #biology #hydrology #geology #archaeology #ecology #anthropogenic #resource #wilderness #firstnation #foodweb #research #science #interconnectedness #culture #cultural #usgs #watersecurity #endangered
From Los Angeles Times: “He wanted a ‘low-water, colorful, smell-good garden.’ But first, the lawn had to go”
#Climate #NativePlants #Landscaping #WaterManagement
#Climate #nativeplants #landscaping #watermanagement
High-Resolution, Integrated Hydrological Modeling Of Climate Change Impacts On A Semi-Arid Urban Watershed In Niamey, Niger
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #hydrologicalmodeling #semiarid #impacts # #water #hydrology #environmental #africa #Niger #Niamey #model #modeling #urban #watershed #city #watersecurity #watermanagement #waterresources #westafrica #HydroGeoSphere #climatemodel #RCM #rainfall #precipitation #environment #waterconservation #groundwater #groundwatermodeling #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #hydrologicalmodeling #semiarid #impacts #water #hydrology #environmental #africa #niger #niamey #model #modeling #urban #Watershed #city #watersecurity #watermanagement #waterresources #westafrica #hydrogeosphere #climatemodel #rcm #rainfall #precipitation #Environment #waterconservation #groundwater #groundwatermodeling #gischat
Welkom @Eelcom leuk dat je mij ook gaat volgen!
Family life, Devops, IT security, automate all the things, Open Source, Apple #apple #debian #zorinos #redhat #oss #devops #k8s #watermanagement #security #rijkswaterstaat
#rijkswaterstaat #security #watermanagement #k8s #devops #oss #redhat #zorinos #debian #apple
New NIOO publication: Connecting lakes: Modeling flows and interactions of #organisms and matter throughout the #waterscape. #watermanagement #waterquality #freshwaterlake #foodweb #eutrophication #sustainablewateruse
#organisms #waterscape #watermanagement #waterquality #freshwaterlake #foodweb #eutrophication #sustainablewateruse