Gizmodo: AI This Week: Chuck's Big Meeting with Zuck and Elon #generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #digitalwatermarking #floriankerschbaum #machinelearning #markzuckerberg #googledeepmind #sundarpichai #chuckschumer #deeplearning #jensenhuang #lizschuler #watermark #samaltman #alexkarpy #fakenews #palantir #twitter #google
#generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #digitalwatermarking #floriankerschbaum #machinelearning #markzuckerberg #googledeepmind #sundarpichai #chuckschumer #deeplearning #jensenhuang #lizschuler #watermark #samaltman #alexkarpy #fakenews #palantir #twitter #google
Thought, this would be bigger news. But?
#ai #watermark #google #deepfakes
:press: SynthID, in collaborazione con Google Cloud, aiuta all'identificazione e alla protezione delle immagini generate dall'intelligenza artificiale. L’uso di immagini generate dall’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) sta crescendo a ritmo serrato. Tuttavia, la sfida principale è come identificarle in modo accurato, specialmente quando appaiono incredibilmente realistiche. Recentemente..
Articolo completo
#deeplearning #googlecloud #deepmind #synthid #watermark
L'#IA permet une #création de #contenu de plus en plus accessible, sophistiquée et hyperréaliste qui, bien qu'elle puisse être utilisée à bon escient, dans l'expression artistique ou l'amélioration de l'accessibilité , peut également être utilisée à mauvais escient pour jeter le doute sur des événements politiques ou pour diffamer, harceler et exploiter.
Source : Claire Leibowicz | MIT Technology Review
#intelligenceartificielle #watermark
#ia #creation #contenu #intelligenceartificielle #watermark
@Radical_EgoCom How about you add some #AltTexts / #ImageDescriptions to your posts.
You certainly have the time to #watermark them, then you also have the resources to write #AltText / #ImageDescription for it!
#NoAltTextNoBoost #NoImageDescriptionNoBoost
#noimagedescriptionnoboost #noalttextnoboost #imagedescription #alttext #watermark #imagedescriptions #alttexts
To #Watermark #AI, It Needs Its Own #Alphabet
"It's getting harder to distinguish between AI- and human-generated content. But #Unicode presents an elegant hack in the race to watermark AI-written text." (Wired - PW removed)
#watermark #ai #alphabet #unicode
Big #AI Won’t Stop #Election #Deepfakes With #Watermarks
Experts warn of a new age of AI-driven #disinformation. A voluntary agreement brokered by the White House doesn’t go nearly far enough to address those risks.
#deepfake #watermark
#watermark #deepfake #disinformation #Watermarks #deepfakes #election #ai
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by SteamyDonutz:
#dock #nudity #derpibooru_exclusive #close-up #steamydonutz #anal_vore #watermark #female #crotchboobs #vulva
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #dock #nudity #derpibooru_exclusive #close #steamydonutz #anal_vore #watermark #female #crotchboobs #vulva
@Kalytis @tchoum
Ce serait encore mieux si en plus il y avait un #tatouage numérique (#digital #watermark) qui pallie à une éventuelle suppression par retouche d'image. Je n'ai pas l'impression que c'est le cas.
#tatouage #digital #watermark #privacy
#OpenAI , #Google will #watermark AI-generated content to hinder #deepfakes misinfo
#ai #misinformation
#misinformation #ai #deepfakes #watermark #Google #openai
Top tech firms sign White House pledge to identify AI-generated images
„The firms also pledged to develop systems to alert the public when an image, video or text is created by artificial intelligence, a method known as “watermarking.”
#ai #chatgpt #midjourney #watermark
I've just released Post On Screen Pro 1.0. Put text and images on top of your other windows.
Try it for Windows, Mac and Linux at
:java: #software #watermark #screen
@Radical_EgoCom thx for slapping that #watermark on... ^^
#Watermark Remover #Tool | elimina testi e filigrane dalle #immagini
La foto del #Papa con la bandiera #arcobaleno associata ai movimenti #LGBTQ, apparsa al traino del #RomaPride in tendenza #Twitter, è in realtà una creazione mediante #Midjourney.
Bisognerebbe pensare a #watermark obbligatori e difficili da rimuovere
#papa #arcobaleno #lgbtq #romapride #twitter #midjourney #watermark
Mark My #Images | aggiungere una filigrana a gruppi di immagini
US-Forscher fordert "Wasserzeichen" für KI-Fakes
Ich hatte schon eine „KI“ gesehen, die Wasserzeichen aus Stockfotos herausrechnet:,TaMrKHj
#Wasserzeichen #watermark #ki #ai
So I made a banner with my tamga like the ones some families have on Wikipedia.
#sfw #watermark #tamga
This Sunday, don't miss it!
12 March, online event at 19:00 CET. All welcome!
The National Library of Israel and the Cambridge University Library present the fourth online lecture in the #Newton #Watermark Project series.
Speakers Huw Jones and Maciej Pawlikowski from Cambridge Digital Humanities will discuss methods and equipment for the capture of watermarks using multispectral imaging.
Registration link:
#bookhistory #paper #manuscripts #histodons #watermark #newton