Missed our February #CaféScientifique talk with #SFUMBB professor Lynne Quarmby? Watch it online!
Take a journey from molecular biology to the high Arctic and home again, illuminating the science of cells, the climate, and the algae that causes watermelon snow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mCZIjlYnAE #sfuscience #sfu #molecularbiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
#cafescientifique #sfumbb #sfuscience #sfu #molecularBiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
Why Some Western Snow Is Turning Pink
Algae bring a rosy hue to some mountain snowpacks, which might accelerate melting https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-some-western-snow-is-turning-pink-180981395/ #WatermelonSnow #Fortean #anomalies #nature
#Nature #anomalies #fortean #watermelonsnow