OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
196 followers · 454 posts · Server hear-me.social

Meet the Pipeline Protester Facing 5 Years for Peaceful Action


We speak with climate activist and water protector Mylene Vialard, whose trial for peacefully protesting the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline began this week in Minnesota. Vialard faces up to five years in prison for her 2021 protest, when she attached herself to a 25-foot bamboo tower erected to block a pumping station in Aitkin County. Vialard, who lives in Colorado, had come to Minnesota to take part in a wave of Indigenous-led acts of civil disobedience to stop the pipeline. Between December 2020 and September 2021, police in Minnesota made more than 1,000 arrests. Mylene Vialard is just the second water protector facing felony charges to go to trial. “We’re destroying our planet. We’re destroying our way of life,” says Vialard. We also speak with Indigenous lawyer and activist Tara Houska, who was also arrested in 2021 for participating in a nonviolent action against Line 3. She says police violence against environmental and Indigenous activists has gotten “exponentially worse” since the 2016 Dakota Access protests at Standing Rock. “The crackdown on environmental protests is nationwide,” says Houska.

#mylenevialard #waterprotector #enbridge #polluter #ecocide #communitydefense #nonviolent #felonycharges #fascism #crackdown #profitdefense #planetmurder

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
143 followers · 82 posts · Server hear-me.social

In Contempt #31: New Support Campaigns Rally Across the US Against Repression


In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis.

#abolition #rebelion #mutualaid #prisoners #anarchist #rally #support #antifa #indigenous #landdefender #waterprotector #international #uprising

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1617 followers · 20647 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

my 👩‍🌾
I'm a longtime & been arrested multiple times for for protecting water 💧

#waterislife #watering #foodgardens #waterprotector #directaction #noregrets

Last updated 1 year ago

Aaron · @00Aaron
887 followers · 450 posts · Server social.coop

Rises in the US, using legal mechanisms.

The process is:
1. Far Right does something violent
2. Laws are made ostensibly addressing what the Far Right did
3. Those laws are applied to crush constitutional rights of speech & expression for & other activists

Jessica Reznicek was charged with a terrorism sentencing enhancement created after the Oklahoma City Bombing

activists are now being charged with terrorism


#facscism #climate #waterprotector #StopCopCity

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Lynne · @SarahLynne
30 followers · 152 posts · Server mindly.social

This Christians are fasting and praying for & & demanding Biden free her. Please join & share Jessica's case w/your community: fastingforjessica.com @FreeJessRez

#lent #catholicworker #waterprotector #jessicareznicek #freejessicareznicek

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth Winter · @EWinterNM
85 followers · 132 posts · Server mastodon.social
lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
182 followers · 518 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

"Why is it that if I want clean drinking water, I am called an activist. And if a multinational corporation is going to contaminate my water, that corporation is not a terrorist? That's because the system is not working."

-- Winona LaDuke
To Be a Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers


#winonaladuke #tobeawaterprotector #waterprotector #ecojustice #bookstodon #amreading #quotes

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
182 followers · 517 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

DID YOU GUYS KNOW THERE IS A SOCIETY OF FEARLESS GRANDMOTHERS?!?!?!?!?! They get mentioned in the book I'm reading (To Be a Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers) and I had to Google them to make sure they really exist. And they do!

Now I know what kind of old lady I want to be!

#winonaladuke #ecojustice #waterprotector #societyoffearlessgrandmothers #lifegoals #amreading

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
179 followers · 502 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

It's time for another quote! Seriously, if you haven't read yet but you want to know more about and the movement, this is a GREAT book to start with.

"The psychosis of Indian hating is one born of the self-loathing of your role in destroying another person, theft and destruction of a people. That's what people have in the north [in the context of this chapter, she's specifically talking northern Michigan, but I feel this also applies to other places like my country of Canada]. They know that what has happened to Native people is wrong, but it's uncomfortable to deal with what justice looks like, or perhaps to come to terms that we all drink the same water, so the Crazy Indian hating behavior continues. That's the Deep North."


#winonaladuke #tobeawaterprotector #ecojustice #waterprotector #bookstodon #indigenousstories #indigenousauthors #resistance #Landback #truthandreconciliation #restitution

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
147 followers · 433 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

This quote gives me goosebumps.

"To me, it was in the camps at Standing Rock that we remembered what it feels like to be free. We remembered what it was like to create a village of thousands of people, a powerful Indigenous space that welcomed people of all different colors and nations. And we remembered what it feels like to create the infrastructure we need to care for ourselves entirely outside the colonized money economy - - to feed and clothe our people, to have stable housing and quality medical care for everyone, to have control of our children's upbringing, to practice our spirituality freely and share our stories unafraid."

To Be a Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers by Winona LaDuke

#amreading #tobeawaterprotector #winonaladuke #Landback #ecojustice #standingrock #waterprotector #warrior #indigenous #indigenousstories #indigenousauthors #resistance

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
141 followers · 414 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

I To Be a by , and this is a rabbit hole I intend to fall down. What are your for specifically the by and warriors?


#amreading #waterprotector #winonaladuke #bookreccomendations #dakotaaccesspipeline #indigenousauthors #indigenous #ecojustice

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RaimoKangasniemi
92 followers · 26850 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @envirodefence@twitter.com

🛢️The Keystone oil spill is another tragic example of the devastating harm that fossil fuels have on freshwater sources.

📣TAKE ACTION: act.environmentaldefence.ca/pa

🐦🔗: twitter.com/envirodefence/stat

#line5 #oilandgas #leaveitintheground #climateaction #climate #climatechange #canada #cdnpoli #waterprotector

Last updated 2 years ago

Rechte der Natur · @Volksbegehren
37 followers · 157 posts · Server muenchen.social
Django · @django
554 followers · 1658 posts · Server social.coop

“Today I honour my sisters who walk in healing to protect the water.
With your strength, you remind us to honour and care for the waters on which all life depends.
Women lead the way."
-Miss Chief Eagle Testickle

Water Walker
Acrylic on canvas
60" x 36"

#waterislife #leadership #waterprotector #indigenouswomen

Last updated 5 years ago