West Bank ‘Water Apartheid’: Palestinian Taps Run Dry While Israeli Settlements Continue to Thrive
#palestine #palestianians #waterwars
Take it from Nestlé. They've been taking it from us for years.
the #WaterWars rapidly approach
Water is used to manufacture goods, extract minerals & produce energy, but its biggest use, globally, is for food production
#WaterStress #freshwater #groundwater #drought #farming #Food https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2023/water-scarcity-map-solutions/
#waterwars #waterstress #freshwater #groundwater #drought #farming #food
My review of the DVD Blue Gold: World Water Wars – Dying for Oil Now, Dying for Water Later #bottledwater #documentary #DVDReview #nestle #PBSdocumentaries #PolandSpring #politicaldocumentary #water #watersupply #waterwars
#bottledwater #documentary #dvdreview #nestle #pbsdocumentaries #polandspring #politicaldocumentary #water #watersupply #waterwars
The next world war will be fought not over Ukraine, but over water.
The Great Lakes will be a star.
Move here and prepare.
"Arizona continues to allow a company to pump enough #water to support a city of 50,000 to grow crops for Saudi Arabia's cows while some state residents have had their water supply cut off"
It takes 1,000 tons of water to produce 1 ton of grain. Importing grain is the most efficient way to import water.
In January, Scottsdale, Arizona cut off the water supply for about a thousand Rio Verde residents, citing extreme drought conditions.
the water wars that i warned you about for more than a decade are here. but instead of 2 well-armed ranchers, now, they're between nations
It’s not just Iran: Conflict over water resources is on the rise
#WaterWars https://www.sustainability-times.com/expert-opinions/its-not-just-iran-conflict-over-water-resources-is-on-the-rise/
The world’s largest #lakes are shrinking dramatically and scientists say they have figured out why
These significant bodies of water include the Colorado River’s #LakeMead, which has receded sharply amid a #megadrought and decades of #overuse.
By Laura Paddison, CNN
Published May 18, 2023 4:29 PM EDT
The shrinking of many lakes has been well documented, but the extent of change – and the reasons behind it – have been less thoroughly examined, said Fangfang Yao, the study’s lead author and a visiting scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.
The researchers used satellite measurements of nearly 2,000 of the world’s largest lakes and reservoirs, which together represent 95% of Earth’s total lake water storage.
Examining more than 250,000 satellite images spanning from 1992 to 2020, along with climate models, they were able to reconstruct the history of the lakes going back decades.
The results were “staggering,” the report authors said.
They found that 53% of the lakes and reservoirs had lost significant amounts of water, with a net decline of around 22 billion metric tons a year – an amount the report authors compared to the volume of 17 Lake Meads.
More than half of the net loss of water volume in natural lakes can be attributed to human activities and climate change, the report found.
The report found losses in lake water storage everywhere, including in the humid #tropics and the cold Arctic. This suggests “drying trends worldwide are more extensive than previously thought,” Yao said.
Different lakes were affected by different drivers.
#Unsustainable water consumption is the predominant reason behind the shriveling of the #AralSea in Uzbekistan and California’s #SaltonSea, while changes in rainfall and runoff have driven the decline of the #GreatSaltLake, the report found.
In the #Arctic, lakes have been shrinking due to a combination of changes in temperature, precipitation, evaporation and runoff.
“Many of the human and climate change footprints on lake water losses were previously unknown,” Yao said, “such as the desiccations of #LakeGoodEZareh in Afghanistan and #LakeMarChiquita in Argentina."
#WaterIsLife #WaterWars #Consumption #ClimateCrisis
Read more:
#lakes #lakemead #megadrought #overuse #tropics #unsustainable #aralsea #saltonsea #greatsaltlake #arctic #lakegoodezareh #lakemarchiquita #waterislife #waterwars #consumption #ClimateCrisis
Can't you spell 'fucked'?
#climatecrisis #climatechange #waterwars #foodwars
#Capitalism is actually going to #thirsttrap the #West to death. I believe #WaterWars are going to be a strong contributing factor to the US #CivilWar2 https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/05/04/water-crisis-profit-west
#capitalism #ThirstTrap #west #waterwars #civilwar2
A new front in the water wars: your Internet use - The Washington Post
“A large data center, researchers say, can gobble up anywhere between 1 million and 5 million gallons of water a day — as much as a town of 10,000 to 50,000 people.”
#waterwars #waterhogs #datacenters
Call to action: We are all comrades of Serge
We ask all those in France and around the world who recognise themselves in this struggle to make the week of May 1st an intensive week of actions against the state and capital.
#Activism #Anarchism #France #FrenchRiots #Protest #Repression #Solidarity #waterdefenders #Waterwars
#activism #anarchism #france #frenchriots #protest #repression #solidarity #waterdefenders #waterwars
“The federal government…laid out two options for preventing the Colorado River’s depleted reservoirs from falling to critically low levels, saying it could either impose cuts across the Southwest by following the water-rights priority system or by using an across-the-board percentage.
California…receives the largest share of water from the Colorado River. An across-the-board cut could hit California harder, particularly agricultural regions.”
Comatose water defender slandered by media
Freedom reproduces a communiqué from water defenders in Sainte Soline, France:
Regarding the media slander of Serge and the other injured of Sainte Soline by the police:
While our comrade Serge is fighting like a lion to hold onto his life that the state is trying to take
#France #reservoirs #SainteSoline #waterbasinprotest #waterdefenders #Waterwars
#france #reservoirs #SainteSoline #waterbasinprotest #waterdefenders #waterwars
@euklidiadas@niboe.info #Datadista tiene este completísimo reportaje https://especiales.datadista.com/medioambiente/acuiferos-sobrexplotados-contaminados-espana/ y, para ver lo que se viene, lo mejor es leer noticias sobre la situación en algunas regiones de #África... https://theconversation.com/africa/search?q=water
#emergenciaclimatica #datadista #africa #waterwars
"The scientific evidence is that we have a water crisis. We are misusing water, polluting water, and changing the whole global hydrological cycle, through what we are doing to the climate. It’s a triple crisis.”
Johan Rockstrom of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Very good article in advance of the #UN Water Summit. Many of us have been forecasting a #WaterCrisis for decades. The next wars will be #WaterWars.
#economics #Environment #freshwater #Water #waterwars #watercrisis #un
"Scientists hope that studying these dogs can teach humans new tricks about how to live in the harshest, most degraded environments, too." Yup. Sure thing. Won't be long now. Another decade of this shit ought to do it. #WaterWars
oh, almost forgot: lol, lmao
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Climate #ClimateChange #Water #WaterWars
A suburb in Arizona lost its source of water. Residents warn: We're only the beginning.
Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over.
The competition over water allocation is pitting state versus state — Arizona versus California, primarily, have clashing views on what would be a fair allocation
#cdnpoli #uspoli #climate #climatechange #water #waterwars