#Science #Space : discovery of two "#WaterWorlds" || #Nasa's #Hubble and #Spitzer telescopes have detected two exoplanets whose composition leaves little doubt for scientists. || By N. Dornel @LeHuffPost || https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/science/video/espace-decouverte-de-deux-mondes-aquatiques_211732.html
#spitzer #hubble #nasa #waterworlds #space #science
#Science #Space : discovery of two "#WaterWorlds" || #Nasa's #Hubble and #Spitzer telescopes have detected two exoplanets whose composition leaves little doubt for scientists. || By N. Dornel @LeHuffPost || https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/science/video/espace-decouverte-de-deux-mondes-aquatiques_211732.html
#spitzer #hubble #nasa #waterworlds #space #science
Astronomers have uncovered a pair of planets that are true “water worlds,” unlike any planet found in our solar system. Slightly larger than Earth, they have global oceans at least 500 times deeper than the average depth of Earth’s oceans: https://bit.ly/3BuRq4M
#hubble #waterworlds #exoplanets #STScI #earth #oceans
RT @zombietardis@twitter.com
THANKS @IndieMacUser@twitter.com what a wonderful review! #DoctorWho #waterworlds is OUT NOW http://bgfn.sh/waterworlds from @bigfinish@twitter.com @GirlFromBlupo@twitter.com @MrRobValentine@twitter.com @HelenGoldwyn@twitter.com @stevefoxon@twitter.com @ruth_madeley@twitter.com @SawbonesHex@twitter.com @bonnie_langford@twitter.com @SamMStafford@twitter.com @theonlyspoon@twitter.com https://twitter.com/indiemacuser/status/1527957925393833986
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/zombietardis/status/1528078236839620609