Happy anniversary to Jody Watley’s album, album, ‘Larger Than Life’. Released this week in 1989 #jodywatley #largerthanlife #reallove #friends #everything #preciouslove #whatchagonnadoforme #wattage 🌟⚡️✨
#jodywatley #largerthanlife #reallove #friends #everything #preciouslove #whatchagonnadoforme #wattage
Happy anniversary to Jody Watley’s debut album. Released this week in 1987. #jodywatley #lookingforanewlove #stillathrill #dontyouwantme #somekindoflover #mostofall #wherearemykeys #wattage 🌟✨⚡️
#jodywatley #lookingforanewlove #stillathrill #dontyouwantme #somekindoflover #mostofall #wherearemykeys #wattage
Happy birthday to the goddess that is Jody Watley. You’re still a thrill!!! #jodywatley #shalamar #stillathrill #wattage ✨✨✨
#jodywatley #shalamar #stillathrill #wattage
Happy anniversary to Jody Watley’s single, “Looking For A New Love”. Released this week in 1987. #jodywatley #lookingforanewlove #wattage ✨✨
#jodywatley #lookingforanewlove #wattage