And that brings us to my overall thoughts on #Wattpad and my first #wattcon experience. Short version: LOVED. IT. Will def be back for the next one. Also, fresh perspectives were so... Well... Refreshing!
#wattcon2022 #amwriting #writers #authors #WritingCommmunity #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #writing
#writing #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #writingcommmunity #authors #writers #amwriting #wattcon2022 #wattcon #wattpad
Identify what makes you happy when you're writing and write more of that. Because it will be obvious in your writing and readers will see it. And don't fear feedback! (#Wattpad is great for this btw. It's one of the things I love most)
#wattcon2022 #amwriting #wattcon #writers #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #Writing
#writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #writers #wattcon #amwriting #wattcon2022 #wattpad
Know your story but make sure you can communicate it. Why do the characters and themes matter to you? Authenticity from this pov means specificity. And those things will make your story easier to sell/market/pitch.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #amwriting #writers #books #movies #booktofilm #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #Writing #movieadaptations
#movieadaptations #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #booktofilm #movies #books #writers #amwriting #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
When it comes to Yonder (which is their version of Vella) it's about consistency. The same by-word we so often hear in reference to Social Media. So the frequency new stories come out is less important. (Yes. The studio draws from there too)
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #books #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #Writing #writers #movieadaptations #movies
#movies #movieadaptations #writers #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #books #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
Knowing the conflict can help a lot with the summary and condensing the story into a pitch. Usually when it's hard to summarize it's because that part is missing/weak. Why should the reader care? What are the stakes?
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #amwriting #movies #booktofilm #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #Writing #writers #movieadaptations
#movieadaptations #writers #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #booktofilm #movies #amwriting #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
Brace yourself for this one #writers They say it takes 30secs or less for a reader to decide if they want to read a story! 😳 Which means the one line elevator pitch and summary/blurb are crucial.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #amwriting #movies #booktofilm #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing #movieadaptations
#movieadaptations #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #booktofilm #movies #amwriting #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022 #writers
They say they're not necessarily looking for the best written story. What interests them more is the concept and reception from readers/fanbase. They're also big on the elevator pitch.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #amwriting #writers #authors #booktofilm #movies #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #Writing #movieadaptations
#movieadaptations #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #movies #booktofilm #authors #writers #amwriting #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
They've been releasing adaptations to the likes of Netflix. And named several other streaming platforms which is obviously very exciting cos what writer DOESN'T have a movie adaptation of their book on their bucket list. Right?!
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #amwriting #writers #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing #movieadaptations #movies
#movies #movieadaptations #writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #writers #amwriting #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
So #Wattpad Webtoon Studios was completely new ground for me. Which meant both of their #wattcon2022 panels were spent soaking in info and not taking as many notes as I probably should...
#wattcon #amwriting #WritingCommunity #writing #wattpadwriters #movieadaptations #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing #movies
#movies #writers #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #movieadaptations #wattpadwriters #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting #wattcon #wattcon2022 #wattpad
Now watching panels on #wattpad Webtoon Studios and it's fascinating stuff! Back with some take aways soon. 😊
#wattcon2022 #amwriting #writers #authors #wattcon #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #wattcon #authors #writers #amwriting #wattcon2022 #wattpad
Seriously. Just a FANTASTIC panel. If it appears on YouTube at any point GO WATCH IT.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #Diversity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #wattpadwriters #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #wattpadwriters #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #diversity #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
If you don't see yourself in a certain space (writing/character wise) step forward and fill it. On a personal note I have SO MUCH RESPECT for every author who does this! Thank you!
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #Diversity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #diversity #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
Authenticity allows you to relate to something outside your scope of experience. Find the thread of human connection.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
Authentic characters will feel real and we can revisit their stories at different times of our lives and still relate to the things they experience. Empathy is KEY.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
A person's pain isn't all that they are as a human being. And some people want to read stories which allow them to escape their pain for a while. It doesn't mean the pain isn't there. But it doesn't have to be the focus.
#Wattpad #wattcon2022 #wattcon #authenticity #amwriting #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #amwriting #authenticity #wattcon #wattcon2022 #wattpad
A lot of people who come from a privileged background can't see beyond that privilege. Start from a place of respect and (again!) LISTEN.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #respect #Diversity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #diversity #respect #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
You can't write one character who will represent an entire culture. But research is critical. As is listening and asking questions and observing with empathy.
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #Diversity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #diversity #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
The best way to be authentic is to dig deep. Don't care about what people think or say when you're writing. Don't judge yourself.
This one hit home in a big way!
#wattcon2022 #Wattpad #wattcon #authenticity #Diversity #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #Writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #diversity #authenticity #wattcon #wattpad #wattcon2022
Nobody will understand your story better than you. Chances are not everyone will connect to it. But someone might.
#wattcon #wattpad #authenticity #diversity #DiversityandInclusion #amwriting #romancelandia #romancewriter #romanceauthor #WritingCommunity #writers #writing
#writing #writers #writingcommunity #romanceauthor #romancewriter #romancelandia #amwriting #DiversityandInclusion #diversity #authenticity #wattpad #wattcon
Just gonna come right out and say the Writing Authentically panel at #Wattcon is one of the best I've ever attended. Virtually or in real life. So entertaining and SO many take aways! Will try to paraphrase some of the highlights.
#Wattpad #amwriting #authenticity #Diversity #romancelandia #romancewriter #romancewriter #WritingCommunity #writers
#writers #writingcommunity #romancewriter #romancelandia #diversity #authenticity #amwriting #wattpad #wattcon