The #wattys2018 ended with the shortlist for me. So, what's next? Here's my post-Wattys plan. It includes a lot of writing! (watch out #octwritingchallenge ! :) )
#octwritingchallenge #wattpad #amwriting #wattys2018
New blog post: I'm On the Wattys 2018 Shortlist - Read my thoughts about it here:
#wattpad #amwriting #wattys2018 #fiction #scifi #writing #writerslife
#wattpad #amwriting #wattys2018 #fiction #SciFi #writing #writerslife
Chapter 50.1 is up on #Wattpad. Find out whether Denton makes it out of his current underwater predicament...and who's the person holding him at gunpoint? Read it today, only on Wattpad:
#wattys2018 #wattpadbooks #Wattpad #freebooks #amwriting #scifi
#wattpad #wattys2018 #wattpadbooks #freebooks #amwriting #SciFi