Endings are hard. Not sure if #WaveMakers nailed this one, though there were plenty of smol but extremely effective scenes. Ya-Ching and Grandpa’s reunion at the train station comes to mind.
I’ll miss you, Aviis. Play a dyke again, sometime? 🤞
The pacing of episode 7 of #WaveMakers is exquisite stuff and really… makes you question the morality and motivation of some characters.
Also… Aviis Zhong finally returns in a scene with close-up shots. She has dimples? I-
Love Jag Huang’s character in #WaveMakers but not sure about the connection the show tries to draw between his ailing marriage VS the interns’ squabble about freeloaders.
Still no Aviis Zhong 😔
The dialogue in #WaveMakers is so good 😩 The dynamic between Wenfang and her parents so believable. There’s also a lot going on in Yaching’s head — credit to Gingle Wang for being able to show that without any dialogue.
Alas, Aviis Zhong does not appear in Episode 5 at all.
#WaveMakers you can’t just relegate Aviis Zhong to the background you guys. That’s queerphobic!!!
Started watching #WaveMakers
The 1st episode was quite the info-bomb. Job titles, political party names, just… wow. Now that I’m 2 episodes in, I don’t find myself frantically reading the subtitles anymore so I’m enjoying the show a lot more.
TV TONIGHT (April 28)
#Citadel #PeterPanAndWendy #Clock #GrandCrew #LifeAfterLockup #CouplesTherapy #FrogAndToad #WarnerBros100Years #KingOfCollectibles #WaveMakers #NFLDraft #SmackDown #PowerGhost #WhoseLine #GoldRush #PutARingOnIt #NBA #MLB #NHL
#nhl #mlb #nba #putaringonit #goldrush #WhoseLine #powerghost #smackdown #NFLDraft #wavemakers #kingofcollectibles #warnerbros100years #FrogandToad #couplestherapy #lifeafterlockup #grandcrew #clock #PeterPanAndWendy #citadel