Starting the filling on the bottom section.
Last of the bottom sheet went on. Now my life is nothing but filling and sanding...
Just 2 more pieces of wood to go! Almost done framing!
More lower section framing. Also got the joining point between top and bottom sections cleaned up. Now for the last bit of framing and then more filling!
#waverunner #diy #framing #fillandsand
#RebeccaManley as Kali McKenzie
Season 9 Episode 4 "Dolphin Quest"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch #DolphinQuest #BaywatchBabes #WaveRunner #Sexy #Swimsuit #Sleek #Slim #Hero #Lifeguard #Strength
#RebeccaManley #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #baywatch #DolphinQuest #BaywatchBabes #waverunner #sexy #swimsuit #sleek #slim #hero #lifeguard #strength
Season 8 Episode 6 "Lifeguard Confidential"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch #LifeguardConfidential #BaywatchStuds #WaveRunner #Shirtless #HotMen #Lifeguards #Confidential #Pacific
#MichaelNewman #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #baywatch #LifeguardConfidential #BaywatchStuds #waverunner #shirtless #hotmen #lifeguards #confidential #pacific
Bottom panel of the seat getting glassed.
Gluing up a foam mold for the curved part of the seat will cover in plastic and mold release before putting fiberglass over it. More info in next post, for now I'm stuck watching drills charge and glue dry...
#waverunner #diy #watchinggluedry
More work on the bottom half of the jet ski.
Starting on the bottom decking.
#waverunner #diy #framing #iseemoresandinginmyfuture
More jet drive fitting. Don't worry that it looks wonk, it's meant to at this point.
#waverunner #diy #dryfit #jetdrive
More steering column work and starting on dry fitting the jet drive.
Getting the steering column fitted. Next is the cowling to cover the metal bits. Realized I have to do this part before fiberglassing so it can all be one solid layer.
#waverunner #diy #ohyeahsteering
Final smoothing and filling, neatly time for laminating!
#waverunner #diy #fillandsand #ithoughtiwasalmostdone
More filling...
All the internal resin is done for now. Time to dry and flip it over!
Last of the interior fiberglass going in. Now to don the safety equipment and slather on gobs of resin!
Work continues apace, but there's still lots to do and the daily temps are 100+ right now. 😀
#waverunner #diy #fiberglass #sohot
This chopped strand mat is going to drive me insane. It's like working with sticky flimsy fabric.
One side done with filler on to the other. Pictures of me on the wave runner for size comparison.