[#Infox #Wayfairgate #Pedophilie] Décryptage #LesDecodeurs "Comment le site de commerce #Wayfair s’est retrouvé accusé d’organiser un réseau pédophile"(16/07/2020)
➡️ https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2020/07/16/wayfairgate-comment-un-site-de-commerce-en-ligne-s-est-retrouve-accuse-d-organiser-un-reseau-pedocriminel_6046413_4355770.html #FakeNews
#fakenews #wayfair #lesdecodeurs #pedophilie #wayfairgate #infox
Amazing Polly analyzes the #WayfairGate story. Interesting. 🔍 #AmazingPolly #wayfair
#wayfairgate #amazingpolly #wayfair
RT @JackPElliott
this is the #wayfair ad they don’t want you to see!! RT download and share before they scrub the internet! #wayfairchildtrafficking #wayfairgate
#wayfair #wayfairchildtrafficking #wayfairgate
The hashtag #WayfairGate on #Tweeter is currently hot. It seems to expose WayFair as a site where children are sold. You don't see them, but you see items being sold for ridiculous prices, like 4 mediocre drawings of dinosaurs for $30.000. This seems to be the development of the day. 🐻 #pedobear
I'm pretty much done as it is 21:45 now and the day was busy. 🍺
#wayfairgate #tweeter #pedobear