@BobLefridge #WayneBrown is proving himself to be everything he promised to be. A c*^+.
How utterly useless is Wayne Brown? ⬇️
#waynebrown #incompetence #auckland #3Waters
How sweet. Wayne Brown has brought a little friend to work. Wayne's friend has "security card access, ... an Auckland Council email address and access to computer systems".
Brown's chum Chris Mathews is apparently "a part-time strategic advisor (sic) on a voluntary basis”.
Isn't that sort of matey advice what pubs are made for?
#waynebrown #nzpol #toytownmayor
People who think cities and countries should be run like PLCs are prone to stupid ideas like the replacement of Auckland City's librarians with volunteers. The poverty of imagination on display, when allied to car worship and a complete indifference to climate action (and the citizens affected) , is shaming for an aspiring world city like ours.
"Hoots ain't here anymore."
Leo Molloy's media manager has taken over the job of keeping Wayne Brown from saying too many stupid things.
If Rob Campbell has to go then Wayne Brown has to go.
Reprise: Wayne Brown's other phone.
" ... Brown’s official council mobile phone registers eight calls and 21 texts during a 48-hour period in which the city was placed in a state of emergency, four people died and the Prime Minister flew up from Wellington to do a joint press conference with Brown."
#Auckland #WayneBrown #RobCampbell
Sorry for the foolish paywall folks.
#auckland #waynebrown #robcampbell
If Rob Campbell has to go then Wayne Brown has to go.
#Auckland #WayneBrown #RobCampbell
#auckland #waynebrown #robcampbell
@JeffHowell @BobLefridge The remaining two+ years of Wayne Brown’s mayoralty are going to see the fool whining about his mandate but without the support or power to achieve anything at a time #Auckland so desperately needs strong and empathetic leadership. I don’t expect #WayneBrown to see out his term. #NZPol
Auckland's missing in action mayor Wayne Brown claims "a number of people" incl elderly are trapped in apartment buildings because over 200 lifts aren't working.
Neither Auckland Emergency Management nor Age Concern are aware of any trapped people.
He also said "Knackered at the end of the day, I get home after working from 5am till midnight and have to climb 16 storeys, because my lift isn’t working."
Wayne's projecting again. It's always about him.
⬆️ To @billbennett here's the answer to the question I posed to you earlier today. #WayneBrown cannot be removed by either a Council vote or a central govt ruling under "normal" circumstances.
#WayneBrown needs to resign for #Auckland to move on!
"There will be a new election for a vacant position if a vacancy occurs more than 12 months before the next triennial general election [4]. This is referred to as a by-election. Depending on timing, there is the option that the role remains vacant, or a person is appointed without an election." #NZPol
@ArrestJK @ZippyGonzales Many of us knew exactly who he was before he was backed by National and Act to become a doorstop to progress. #WayneBrown was the guy who joked about putting pictures of Herald journalist and decent fellow, Simon Wilson, on Auckland's urinals so everyone could piss on him. #YeahNah #NZPol #AucklandMayor
#waynebrown #yeahnah #nzpol #aucklandmayor
One rainy afternoon, after days of silence, Wayne Brown decided that he and Desley would be the sole approved voices of Auckland.
Councillors disagree.
Brown's lack of joined-up thinking combined with his persecution complex makes him a liability as mayor, even more so in an civil emergency.
Sigh... you cant make this shit up?! Latest from Browny overnight ($):
"Don’t f**k me over ... I am the mayor for three years. You can’t do anything about that ... No one else in New Zealand is going to get 180,000 votes."
#nzpol #auckland #waynebrown
#arrogance #weneedanewmayor #ffs
#nzpol #auckland #waynebrown #arrogance #weneedanewmayor #ffs
This gold from Gordon Campbell on Wayne’s World & CEO leadership 👇
#waynebrown #auckland
Cities flood
Wayne laments tennis
Things might have been
if Noah
played swingball
for 40 days
instead of clearing
A bloke tho
from a north shore
could have,
of course,
it all
There not much
a good Talking Too
can't fix
Then again
There's not much
a good talking too
has fixed
the best antidote
to a problem
is first
#Antidote #SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories #WayneBrown
#antidote #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories #waynebrown
"Why the silence of Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown matters" by Todd Niall.
#waynebrown #auckland #mayoralty
This is astounding!
AK, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to get rid of this creep ... cue theme music
#QT - https://mastodon.nz/users/krveale/statuses/109782355137085749/activity