On the Origin, and Species, of Lift:
Part 2
When an object blocks the path of a fluid, alternating swirls of the fluid 'escape' past it
- forming a pattern known as the 'Von Kármán Street', named for a scientist who studied the phenomenon.
It's related to 'Darwin Drift'.
#science #aviation #scicomm #darwintwist #aerodynamics #fluiddynamics #waypointanalysis
On the Origin, and Species, of Lift:
Part 1
In 1953, Charles Galton Darwin described the fundamental physical process that causes Lift.
But that discovery went unnoticed, because his paper's title was 'A Note on Hydrodynamics' and what he observed was given the name 'Drift'.
#science #aviation #scicomm #aerodynamics #fluiddynamics #waypointanalysis
I'd been looking at an anomaly in a 'classic' Aerodynamics video, and the Professor of Magical Thinking who came at me was certain I'd observed THE WRONG FLOW SPEED in the clip.
But the 'novel' analytical technique I'd used is a powerful and versatile tool
- and #WaypointAnalysis can also be applied to the flow speed that the Professor preferred. So that's what I did.