Jim Ramsay · @lack
63 followers · 286 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I switched to and contributed to it; I wrote an IPC protocol and "wayvncctl" command line client to do exactly this.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
63 followers · 286 posts · Server fosstodon.org


I wrote most of the new 'wayvncctl' command in via JuiceSSH in Android.

#wayvnc #vim

Last updated 2 years ago

Andri Yngvason · @andriyngvason
14 followers · 31 posts · Server mastodon.social

I've just released v0.6.0 with a new and shiny control interface.

See release announcement here: github.com/any1/wayvnc/release

Special thanks go to @lack for implementing the control interface.

As usual, this release is also accompanied by releases of the support libraries: Neat VNC and aml. See github.com/any1/neatvnc/releas and github.com/any1/aml/releases/t


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
54 followers · 217 posts · Server fosstodon.org

So it looks like my wayvncctl IPC and command line tool are almost all grown up!

It's come a long way since my vague idea back in November, and I'm proud of what it's become, largely thanks to the patient guidance of @andriyngvason and all the work he's already done on



Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
48 followers · 158 posts · Server fosstodon.org

There we go. About 3 months after looking into it, I have opened the last PR in a series that implements the feature I wanted in


It was fun, and now there's more I want to do in the project!

#wayvnc #opensource #software #DeveloperStories

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
48 followers · 158 posts · Server fosstodon.org

There we go. About 3 months after looking into it, I have opened the last PR in a series that implements the feature I wanted in


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
36 followers · 128 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Now it's time to add more commands and events:
• command to list all clients
• command to list all outputs
• command to disconnect a client
• event when output capture device changes
• command to terminate

Each one is in its own git commit, but all in the same area, so there's the age-old question; one PR per command (but they have to be done sequentially else code conflicts), or one bigger PR that's harder to review…

The maintainer preferred one big one:


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
36 followers · 128 posts · Server fosstodon.org

So that's close... But if isn't running my example-event script doesn't start, and if wayvnc exits my script exits too.

So I added optional '--wait' and '--reconnect' flags to wayvncctl; the '--wait' flag will poll for the Unix domain socket before running a command or listening for events, and '--reconnect' will, as the name implies, try to reconnect if wayvnc edits.


And events that indicate when each of these things happen:



Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
36 followers · 128 posts · Server fosstodon.org

So on with github.com/any1/wayvnc/pull/17 : Here I built that event mechanism, plus a registration IPC so that we only send events to control socket clients that are expecting them. And of course started with the events I wanted most: client-connected and client-disconnected which give details about a VNC client plus the current connected client count.

I added an example script showing how to use a bash read-loop and to have a function that fires when the connection count changes.

#wayvnc #jq

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
36 followers · 128 posts · Server fosstodon.org

So wayvncctl was born (or will be, next release). I can bind a key in to run:

wayvncctl set-output --cycle=next

And my session cycles through the Wayland outputs - a working mechanism to use all the outputs!

But what about my original dream to temporarily disable inputs when VNC connects, and restore when VNC disconnects? The control socket allowed remote control, but I needed asynchronous events that could send out when, say, a new VNC session was established…

#sway #wayvnc

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
32 followers · 104 posts · Server fosstodon.org

After some experimentation, I was able to refactor the main code to do just that: stop capturing one output, move the virtual inputs, and start capturing another!

To test it I had code that caught SIGUSR1 and rotated through the outputs. Fun, but not a great user interface. So I went about making a key-bind engine in wayvnc, and I submitted the PR:


Soon after, I got a wonderful review from the maintainer @andriyngvason - it was not quite ready…


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
32 followers · 104 posts · Server fosstodon.org

No! I can't. There didn't seem to be any way to get to run a script for me, so I opened a GitHub issue asking for what I wanted, fully intending to implement it myself: github.com/any1/wayvnc/issues/

In the course of this great discussion, we arrived at 3 important conclusions:

• Wayvnc running a script itself has security implications
• An external control socket like swaymsg could do all this and more
• Multi-output support has more interesting use-cases

So time to consider the use-cases…


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
32 followers · 104 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Yet again, came through with exactly the timing I needed. If I connect to VNC and just disable the right-most output, everything automatically shifts to the one remaining output. No need to even involve kanshi or reconfigure waybar:

swaymsg output DP-3 disable

Then when I'm done, this brings it back again:

swaymsg output DP-3 enable

This actually worked very nicely!

Next: Can I automate this so the "disable" happens when I connect over , and "enable" when I disconnect...?

#sway #wayvnc

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
32 followers · 104 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I'm currently implementing a control socket and related wayvncctl command line tool for , and it's been a fun journey! Thought I'd share my (ongoing) experiences.

It all began, as all fun projects begin, with an itch I needed to scratch....

#wayvnc #opensource #developer #opensourcesoftware #development #stories

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Ramsay · @lack
13 followers · 36 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I haven't coded in for a while, but have been working on a fun contribution to over the last few weeks. The kindness of the main dev on IRC and GitHub reviews as I revive my rusty C skills reminds me why I love ❤️

#c #wayvnc #opensourcesoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

Danct12 · @danct12
430 followers · 576 posts · Server fosstodon.org
codesections · @codesections
2554 followers · 8513 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Actually, can any one tell me what "average reported frame damage" means? This is in the context of , and my "frame damage" starts out low, but pretty quickly climes to 95.9% and holds there -- and my screen starts flickering. I'm _assuming_ that those two are related, but I don't really know what "frame damage" means.
all the Internet results seem to assume that I'm concerned about damage to the frame of my car and I'm _pretty_ sure my car isn't involved in getting pixies to my monitor


Last updated 4 years ago

codesections · @codesections
2588 followers · 8521 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Actually, can any one tell me what "average reported frame damage" means? This is in the context of , and my "frame damage" starts out low, but pretty quickly climes to 95.9% and holds there -- and my screen starts flickering. I'm _assuming_ that those two are related, but I don't really know what "frame damage" means.
all the Internet results seem to assume that I'm concerned about damage to the frame of my car and I'm _pretty_ sure my car isn't involved in getting pixies to my monitor


Last updated 4 years ago

sydnoise · @pl
403 followers · 11822 posts · Server mastodon.social

Really nice, since recently supports vnc via . Just only gave it a real quick test and it worked on my local network through an SSH tunnel, just have to pick a sweet vnc tool - appears to be a bit buggy

#wayland #vinagre #swaywm #wayvnc #gnome

Last updated 5 years ago