RT @MarkSZaidEsq@twitter.com
Article by former client #BrianMurphy, who was highest ranking #whistleblower in modern history. We - through @wbaidlaw@twitter.com - successfully rep'd him through tumultuous times for @DHSgov@twitter.com during Trump Administration.
Shining example on how to be lawful #WBer.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarkSZaidEsq/status/1603483405848662017
#brianmurphy #whistleblower #wber
WBER 90.5 is a long-time, independent community radio station in Rochester, NY - if you remember what terrestrial radio was like when stations were locally owned, programmed, and DJ'd by real live human beings (or if you're too young to remember), you should give their stream a listen.
What old-school indie terrestiral radio stations do you listen to?
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