View from inside the W.B. Yeats Museum towards the other side of the street.
Sligo, Ireland
#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #wbyeats #sligo #ireland
William Butler Yeats was born #OnThisDay 1865 in Sandymount Avenue, Dublin.
Son of the painter John B. Yeats, he met Gerard Manley Hopkins in 1886 but they had little to say to each other. His meeting with Oscar Wilde in London in 1888 was very different.
Yeats developed his own version of Wilde's theory of identity, and later created a esoteric philosophy of history.
#onthisday #dib #wbyeats #IrishPhilosophyOTD
William Butler Yeats was born in Sandymount in County Dublin on 13 June 1865. He was a poet, dramatist and writer. One of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature, he was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival. In December 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation".
#Ireland #IrishHistory #IrishLiterature #Poetry #WBYeats #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #IrishLiterature #poetry #wbyeats #onthisday
National Library of Ireland 2023 Joseph Hassett Yeats Lecture
"Ireland's Interpreter" and "Europe's Welcome": W.B. Yeats and the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1923.
13 June 2023, 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Live (Kildare St, #Dublin) booking:
Livestream booking
#dublin #nli #lecture #Yeats #wbyeats
Maud Gonne MacBride (Irish: Maud Nic Ghoinn Bean Mhic Giolla Bhríghde) died on 27 April 1953. She was an English-born Irish republican revolutionary, suffragette and actress. Of Anglo-Irish descent, she was won over to Irish nationalism by the plight of evicted people in the Land Wars. She actively agitated for Home Rule and then for the republic declared in 1916. She was long-time love interest of WB Yeats.
#Ireland #IrishHistory #MaudGonneMacBride #WBYeats #IrishWarOfIndependence
#ireland #irishhistory #maudgonnemacbride #wbyeats #irishwarofindependence
“Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colours because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.”
Not a single cloud this morning. Frost on the ground. Nothing but blue skies…
#isleofskye #sky #wbyeats #blue
He particularly admired Irish literature and music and was an avid reader of WB Yeats. 3/3
Robeson singing Zot Nit Keynmol (זאָג ניט קיין מאָל), the Song of the Warsaw Ghetto in English:
#paulrobeson #spanishcivilwar #ireland #wbyeats #onthisday
It continued with his support for the Republican cause during the Spanish Civil War and his involvement in the Council on African Affairs.
He fell foul of senator Joe McCarthy’s House Un-American Activities Committee and had his passport and concerts cancelled. Before then he visited Ireland at least three times and performed in Dublin, Limerick, and Cork in the 1930s. 2/
#paulrobeson #spanishcivilwar #ireland #wbyeats #onthisday
Paul Robeson was born on 9th April 1898. He was an American concert artist, stage and film actor, professional football player and activist who became famous both for his cultural accomplishments and for his political stances.
Robeson's political activities began with his involvement with unemployed workers and anti-imperialist students in Britain.
#paulrobeson #spanishcivilwar #ireland #wbyeats #onthisday
Jack Butler Yeats, brother of WB Yeats and a painter who developed an intensely expressionist style, died on 28th March 1957. He was a close friend of Samuel Beckett.
#Ireland #IrishHistory #IrishArt #Painting #JackButlerYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #WBYeats #SamuelBeckett #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #irishart #painting #jackbutleryeats #williambutleryeats #wbyeats #samuelbeckett #onthisday
Lines from Bob Marley:
> Where the living is hardest...
> They made their world so hard..
and lines from Yeats:
> The winds that awakened the stars are blowing through my blood.
> Now words that called up the lightning
Are hurtling through my heart.
recur in my mind the same sort of way. I still can't get the un-heart just-read poem lines to remain as exact as the often-heard performed-song lines though.
#Yeats #WBYeats #Poetry #Songs #BobMarley #ConcreteJungle #OneDrop #MaidQuiet
#MaidQuiet #onedrop #concretejungle #bobmarley #songs #poetry #wbyeats #yeats
Who's Buried in Yeats' Grave?
#yeats #irish #IrishWriters #wbyeats #ireland #sligo #countysligo #Drumcliff #irishartist #irishwriter #irishhistory
#Yeats #irish #irishwriters #wbyeats #ireland #Sligo #countysligo #drumcliff #irishartist #irishwriter #irishhistory
for the good are always the merry
save but for an evil chance
and the merry love the fiddle
and the merry love to dance
#nowlistening #wbyeats #IrishTraditionalMusic
23 Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill (May 2005), where W. B. Yeats lived as a boy from 1867 to 1873, and where Sylvia Plath died on 11 February 1963.
#dotd #poetry #sylviaplath #wbyeats #literaryheritage #literaryplaces #primrosehill #london #anniversary #1963
#dotd #poetry #SylviaPlath #wbyeats #literaryheritage #literaryplaces #primrosehill #london #anniversary
William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
#WBYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #Yeats #Käännös #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösruno #Käännösrunoja #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Suomennos
#wbyeats #williambutleryeats #yeats #kaannos #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosruno #kaannosrunoja #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #suomennos
William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
#WBYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #Yeats #Käännös #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#wbyeats #williambutleryeats #yeats #kaannos #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos
William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
#WBYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #Yeats #Käännös #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennoksia #Suomennos
#wbyeats #williambutleryeats #yeats #kaannos #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennoksia #suomennos