Into the public fray today for a Rubik’s cubing competition. With all the new #COVID case reports, I think we’ll be donning masks today.
#covid #wca #berkeleysummer2023 #cubing
Day 1 of CubingUSA Western Championship 2023 was fun. But these two #AuDHD people are emotionally and even physically exhausted today. We’ll miss a few events today but a day of rest is required now. #ActuallyAutistic #RubiksCube #WCA
#AuDHD #actuallyautistic #rubikscube #wca
This is beyond ridiculous, the current system is unfit for purpose and this is even worse. This sentence is interesting: ‘will only go ahead if the Conservatives win the next election’. We’ve all just got to whatever we can to ensure that they are OUT 😡 #GTTONow
RT @johnpringdns
Work coaches with no GCSEs could decide on ‘fit for work activity’, DWP admits
What annoys me is that programs like #WWFF (World Wide Flora Fauna) and #WCA (World Castle Award) have laborious methods how to submit logs via e-mail. Aside from that there's no prominent link on their websites how to proceed.
#wwff #wca #sota #gma #hamradio
Was mich an Programmen wie #WWFF (World Wide Flora Fauna) oder #WCA (World Castle Award ) nervt, ist die umständliche Logeinreichung per Mail - wobei auf den entsprechenden Webseiten auch kein deutlich sichtbarer Link angebracht ist, wohin das geschickt werden soll.
#wwff #wca #sota #gma #hamradio
#benefits #health #uk #disability #mentalHealth #WCA
"Good riddance to the Tories’ work capability assessment, the cruellest social policy of modern times"
#benefits #health #uk #disability #mentalhealth #wca
"It is entirely possible for ministers to go down a different path; to create a safety net for times of ill health that is humane & fair, while addressing the structural barriers to fulfilling, well-paid jobs. The truth is, they simply choose not to. When being too sick to work is seen as moral failure, any amount of suffering can be justified"
Excellent from Frances Ryan on the demise of the cruel Work Capability Assessment.
#WCA #Disability #UKPolitics
Fun cubing comp this weekend. I was pretty slow at solving 3x3 and 4x4 as usual. My son was pretty fast at solving 4x4 and 7x7 as usual. #humblebrag #speedcube #speedcubing #rubiks #wca
#humblebrag #speedcube #speedcubing #rubiks #wca
Fun cubing comp this weekend. I was pretty slow at solving 3x3 and 4x4 as usual. My son was pretty fast at solving 4x4 and 7x7 as usual. #humblebrag #speedcube #speedcubing #rubiks #wca
#humblebrag #speedcube #speedcubing #rubiks #wca
Meta para os campeonatos do ano que vem:
Fazer uma média abaixo de 14s no 3x3.
Bater PB de single no 3x3
Bater PB de single e média no 4x4
#wca #rubik #rubikscube #cubomagico
Heute trafen neue QSL-Karten ein. Die Auswahl hier ist thematisch rund um den #Burgentag passend. #WCA #hamradio