RT @Wouldntchangea1@twitter.com
My name is Hollie and I am 15 years old. I live in South Wales. This is my 4th year as an ambassador for Wouldn’t Change A Thing.
I love listening to music, singing and dancing! I really enjoy swimming.
#WCATAmbassador #DownSyndrome #WouldntChangeAThing
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Wouldntchangea1/status/1614648321976553474
#wcatambassador #downsyndrome #wouldntchangeathing
RT @Wouldntchangea1@twitter.com
Our next 2023 #WCATAmbassador is Jordan Grace. Her mum, Maria, says;
‘Jordan Grace has a zest for life which is contagious, loves with her entire heart, she lives for the moment and enjoys and appreciates all the small things.’
#wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #wcatambassador