I wrote four posts in May and they are all about terminology, best practices, standards, lawsuits, …:
• “Under-Engineered Patterns for #WCBUF”
• “#AudioEye Is Suing Me”
• “Be Careful Using ‘Menu’”
• “Brief Note on Popovers with Dialogs”
Slides for my “Under-Engineered Patterns” #WCBUF talk yesterday:
Demo videos, references, and link to 3.4MB tagged PDF of the entire set of slides.
It was not an #accessibility talk but yes it really was. #a11y
“Under-Engineered Patterns for #wcbuf”
Links to a 3.4MB tagged PDF of my slides, also includes video demos from my talk and links I referenced.
Almost forgot the reminder — tomorrow at 9:30am I am talking about under-engineered patterns at WordCamp #Buffalo https://buffalo.wordcamp.org/2023/schedule/
You should come by. #WCBUF
Hey, if you are in or near #Buffalo and WordPress is your thing (or just web stuff in general), next Saturday I will be presenting “Under-Engineered Patterns” at 9:30am for WordCamp Buffalo:
Other, probably better, speakers too. #WCBUF
Hey, on May 6 WordCamp Buffalo is back and I am speaking:
If you are local to #Buffalo, only $25 to heckle me. Free to wait outside and do it as I leave.
@WordCampBuffalo has more updates and also at #WCBUF (on Twitter).
* bump * #Buffalo
RT @WordCampBuffalo
WordCamp Buffalo is May 9!
Call for speakers: https://2020.buffalo.wordcamp.org/2020/01/22/call-for-speakers/
Call for sponsors: https://2020.buffalo.wordcamp.org/2020/01/22/call-for-sponsors/
Tickets: https://2020.buffalo.wordcamp.org/tickets/
#WordPress #WordCamp #WCBUF
#wcbuf #wordcamp #wordpress #buffalo
View slides for my @WordCampBuffalo@twitter.com talk “CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics”: http://adrianroselli.com/2018/05/wordcamp-buffalo-css-display-properties-versus-html-semantics.html Includes the test videos. #WCBuf
The slides for my @WordCampBuffalo@twitter.com talk “CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics” are now up: http://rosel.li/wcbuf #WCBuf
Related to a #WCBuf hallway conversation about traveling and laundry:
Testing a laundering bag with sink-washable under pants. I travel carry-on only; removing laundromat need on long trips. https://aardrian.tumblr.com/post/172493111681/test-run-of-my-mobile-daily-laundry-process
#WCBuf Come see me in CFA 146 in 10 minutes to hear me talk about CSS display properties and the impact on HTML semantics.
#WCBuf That may have been me. Sorry, @WPAccessibility@twitter.com.
In talking about Gutenberg and accessibility I just heard “it’s a big pile of interesting” 😂 @WordCampBuffalo #WCBuf
If you dread Gutenberg’s forced deploy killing productivity / client relationships, classic editor plug-in:
via @RianRietveld@twitter.com #WCBuf
Great pre-written test plan for testing keyboard a11y in Gutenberg by @RianRietveld@twitter.com: http://rianrietveld.com/2018/03/05/keyboard-test-gutenberg-first-try/
For tracking progress. #WCBuf
A little tease of my WordCamp Buffalo talk (in under two hours). #WCBuf
Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset
so sayeth @aardrian
WordCamp Buffalo is kicking off, and I have both a speaker *and* sponsor badge. #WCBuf
Saturday, May 5, hear a bunch of us at #WCBuf:
Join us at @WordCampBuffalo to hear talks from @aardrian @ericdebelek @jasonpknill @shantadotca and @timbouchard Come hear what they have to share on all kinds of @WordPress topics at #wcbuf!
Related, if anyone wants to help with Gutenberg accessibility testing, find me.
.@WordCampBuffalo will have several talks on #Gutenberg. Thanks @GiveWP for this video highlighting some exciting things about Gutenberg. #wordpress #wcbuf
While I am not explicitly sponsoring lunch, I will take a little credit here:
As if all the amazing talks at @WordCampBuffalo weren't enough, @whereslloyd will provide lunch for all the hungry WordCampers! #wcbuf #burritos #wordcamp #wordpress #buffalo
#wcbuf #burritos #wordcamp #wordpress #buffalo
Hey #Buffalo or Buffalo-interested WordPress or related folks, call for speakers closes tomorrow:
Tomorrow is the deadline for Speaker Submissions. We’re sure you’ve got something interesting to share. #wcbuf #wordcamp #buffalo https://2018.buffalo.wordcamp.org/2018/03/11/call-for-speakers/