for #wccchallenge #fungi
Blog: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/wccchallengefungi
For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph : Fungi, We are exploring the world of Spores Through the Coding Environments : #SonicPi, #Hydra @hydravideosynth & #OpenScad.
Spores Breakdown'
The Sounds are overlaid via a mix of SonicPi compositions. This is to reflect the movement of spores as they can be sporadic and concentrated at the same time.
Plus reusing a sound made for the “Left Behind” Prompt as Spores and Fungi can be left behind
A coded 3D model of a mushroom being moved is done through Openscad
Then it is visually affected by Hydra and different perspectives(such as 360 and flips). Also reflects the movement of Fungi and a bit of a petri dish feeling.
Fungi & Spores
Mushrooms, Molds and Many More
Endless Supply
To Supplement their Core
As They Wish for More Fungi, Aboard
Aboard a Trip
Containing Flips, Dips & splits
As it is: Fungi & Spores
#creativecoding #coding #newmedia #scifi #animation #worldbuilding #3Danimation #Pixelation
#wccchallenge #fungi #sonicpi #hydra #openscad #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #scifi #animation #worldbuilding #3danimation #pixelation
New coded poem is posted on medium (no paywall):
parametric pieces
#creativeCoding #generativeArt #wccchallenge #p5js #poetry #codedpoem #mathart #parametric #fractions #mtbos #iTeachStem #codpen
#codpen #iteachstem #mtbos #fractions #parametric #mathart #codedpoem #poetry #p5js #wccchallenge #generativeart #creativecoding
SonicallyBrokenDown for #wccchallenge #BreakItDown
Blogpost: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/wccchallengebreakitdown
Video: https://youtu.be/psnQP4BWPiA
Visuals Coded : #Hydra
Audio Coded #sonicpi
For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph : Break It Down, Sounds and Visuals are going to be broken down within SonicPi.
This week's languages are Hydra & SonicPi with A Remixed soundtrack by Ramblin Intellect & I.
Editor BreakDown
For the Sounds and the Visuals, SonicPi is being livecoded to produce the audiovisual outcome.
The sound is broken down by SonicPi in an array of ways and then broken down again after it is coded
The visuals take the theme of "Break It Down" by using the SonicPi Editor and breaking it down through a mix of Hydra, OBS & 360 Video.
Breaking Down the elements
Making round the sentiments
Creating a town of sediments
Differences that are reminiscent
Sprinkling an aura
That is seen from distant
Instant as they are inkling
Itching to be
Itching to be free
As they are broken down
But still make their rounds
As they transform
From code to fauna?
From rows to flora?
Broken down like the sweat from a sauna
What elements shall now be born
#wccchallenge #breakitdown #hydra #sonicpi
A Frog’s Time In Pond Life for #wccchallenge #Pond
Blogpost: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/wccchallengepondlife
Video: https://youtu.be/1FBhSWSAnN8
Visuals Coded : #Hydra #LiveCodingYoutube
Audio Coded #sonicpi
A Frog's Time In Pond Life
For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph : Pond Life, Frogs and Island were representing the Life of Pond in " AFrogsTimeinPondLife"
This week's languages are Hydra, LivecodeYoutubing & SonicPi. WIth Frog Footage from The Denver Zoo and a remixed sample usage of the WaterMelon Riddim
Entering Pond Life
Using LiveCodingYoutube, I was able to give motion and timing to the Frog Footage.
Hydra was used to add effects and bring different vantage points of the Frogs. Aided with oilpaint and night filters.
For the Audio, I remixed the WaterMelon Riddim as it is a soca beat, a Caribbean-based genre. The remixed instrumental is tied to the visuals of the Frogs in the Pond, to bring a different dimension to what we consider to be "Pond Life"
Ponds and Water
Aqua-Based Towns
The Frogs are pond-trotters
Floating on the lilypads
Boating on the rounds
Croaking sounds
Resonating and quickly adds
Quickly adds as the lilypads rotate
As the currents institagate
In the pond-life, with these Aqua-Based Towns
As the Frogs inhabit near the Water
#wccchallenge #pond #hydra #livecodingyoutube #sonicpi
automata photo filter - https://codepen.io/fractalkitty/full/OJrLMjb/6cf56d5837d4be67172ac23999fe54e6
Only one set of rules is implemented(but the possibilities are endless)
#gameOfLife #gol #cellularAutomata #pixelArt #mathArt #PNW #hummingbird #p5js #processing #codepenChallenge #photography #filters #creativeCoding #wccChallenge
#wccchallenge #creativecoding #filters #photography #codepenchallenge #processing #p5js #hummingbird #pnw #mathart #pixelart #cellularautomata #gol #gameoflife
The prompt this week for #wccchallenge was nodes.
I went with the nodes on horsetail - a relative of the fern - Ancient Grass
No comments - just stream of conscious code until it worked.
#p5js #creativeCoding #generativeArt #codeSketch #horsetail #fern #sketch
#sketch #fern #horsetail #codesketch #generativeart #creativecoding #p5js #wccchallenge
Where I live
poetry in code (see comments)
this one is not interactive
my cultured ink is featured in this week's codepen spark!
#mathart #wccchallenge #creativecoding #codepen
Cultured Ink doodle:
#noise #creativecoding #p5js #digitalorganism #wccchallenge
#wccchallenge #sparkles #mathart #p5js #creativecoding #generativeart
p5js creative code - the hidden path we trace
Commented code, press key to show path, click to change.
#generativeart #creativecoding #p5js #mathart #sparkles #wccchallenge
The theme for this weeks #WCCChallenge was "Squishy". Didn't exactly get it to where I wanted, but there's a start of an idea in there.
My submission for @sableraph's #WCCChallenge this week. Prompt was DADA, I made a 3D physics based generative collage thing.
My submission for @sableraph's #WCCChallenge this week. Prompt was DADA, I made a 3D physics based generative collage thing.
Quick code doodle. - #WCCChallenge prompt hyperspace.
no comments yet - no time, and won't get around to it this week. stream of consciousness mess.
Two versions - computer(mouse driven): https://codepen.io/fractalkitty/full/LYrrvGm
#hyperspace #creativecoding #wccchallenge
A little game I made for @sableraph 's Weekly Creative Coding Challenge. #WCCChallenge The topic was Shadow Maths.
If you want to take part next week the topic is "Hyperspace" and you can submit through the discord at https://discord.gg/dsj52tptd8
A little game I made for @sableraph 's Weekly Creative Coding Challenge. #WCCChallenge The topic was Shadow Maths.
If you want to take part next week the topic is "Hyperspace" and you can submit through the discord at https://discord.gg/dsj52tptd8
Comments added for math + shadow super simple and quick code for #WCCChallenge #mathart #creativecoding #mathart
#creativecoding #mathart #wccchallenge
Breathing forest light is featured in this week’s codepen spark: https://codepen.io/spark/314
#creativecoding #codepen #mathart #p5js #wccchallenge
#wccchallenge #p5js #mathart #codepen #creativecoding
Code pen quick sketch/doodle for #wccchallenge of a foggy forest.
click to change
#codepen #p5js #creativecode #wccchallenge