THE DUO THAT NEARLY TOOK DOWN A DYNASTY | Mike Bibby & Chris Webber #2000Nba #2002 #BeamTeam #bibby #C-Webb #ChrisWebber #Kings #LightTheBeam #LosAngelesLakers #MikeBibby #NBA #PacificDivision #PLAYOFFS #Sacramento #SacramentoKings #Sactown #wcf #WesternConference #WesternConferenceFinals
#2000nba #beamteam #bibby #c #chriswebber #kings #lightthebeam #losangeleslakers #mikebibby #nba #pacificdivision #playoffs #sacramento #sacramentokings #sactown #wcf #westernconference #westernconferencefinals
Migrating #WebForm apps to #Blazor & .NET Core
Refactoring #WCF services to #gRPC
Migrating from #WinForms apps to #WinUI and/or #Xamarin
Moving data layers to/from Oracle, SQL, mySQL, etc.
Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core Standard
Refactoring older MVC apps to the latest version of MVC
#helpwanted #opensourcesoftware #contributors #webform #blazor #wcf #grpc #winforms #winui #xamarin
Che bella la marcia della #pace del #1gennaio a #Bologna con Pd, Arci Landini, Zuppi, patrocinata da Comune e Regione! Tra gli organizzatori c'è la Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, che partecipò al #WCF congresso mondiale delle famiglie 2019 a Verona, finanziato dalla fondazione "San Basilio il Grande" dall'oligarca russo Malofeev
Pace! Pace! Pace!
@memory The #BronxRiver dams exist to provide selfie backdrops for the #BronxZoo and #NewYorkBotanicalGarden. The #WCF #WidllifeConservationFund which runs the #BronxZoo and #NYAquarium should lead the way on this but has been mum.
#nyaquarium #widllifeconservationfund #wcf #newyorkbotanicalgarden #BronxZoo #bronxriver
A story about a small concrete dam being removed in Northern California to restore habitat to #eels and other fishes.
Do not know why this cannot be applied to the many dams on the #BronxRiver.
#Riverkeeper #BronxRiverAlliance #BronxZoo #NewYorkBotanicalGarden
#nycparks #wcf #worldconservationfund #nybg #newyorkbotanicalgarden #BronxZoo #bronxriveralliance #riverkeeper #bronxriver #eels