Pink News: Drag Race legend Latrice Royale joins We’re Here season 4 as host: ‘Excited and blessed’ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #RuPaul'sDragRace #LatriceRoyale #we'rehere #Culture #Drag #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #rupaul #latriceroyale #we #Culture #drag #TV
Where do I even #start?
Announced an #orgy
On »Republic Square«
To classical #music
against the law
Farts lit and #candy held with her #ass cheeks just not to entertain.
#We have no #squirt for your views! Self-determination looks different. #Shit on the #prestige project! The #shot with euphemisms. A draft belongs in the #ladies' room!
Against #TIN* hostility
Fake care
Green clean washing
As well as the wrong #society
Cupping #him/her
Are #you ready
For the #guillotine
#Start #orgy #music #candy #ASS #we #squirt #shit #prestige #shot #ladies #tin #terfs #society #him #YOU #guillotine #bye
@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX
Well, now, that's a good question. Who is "we"?
I guess I'm thinking about it in a spiritual way, although I am not a very spiritual person. I am an open minded person. I am anti-religious.
I see humanity as a mixed bag.
I see humanity as a Bell curve.
I see some amount of goodness in everyone except the most extreme outliers.
I think when I say "we", I am thinking of the goodness that almost all of us share.
Does that make any sense to you?
@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX
I cannot fix anyone. I've certainly tried.
My plan is to move forward in democracy with like-minded people, gathering heft and speed like a snowball. Together, we *will* craft a more just, humane society.
@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX
We are on the same page.
I am not trying to dictate anything. I am wholly interested in your thoughts. I want to have this honest conversation.
I'm not trying to educate you. I am trying to share my thoughts with you and wanting you to challenge me as you see fit based on your understandings. I'm not invested in being right. I'm invested in developing a better understanding of humanity and the path to a more humane civilization.
@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX
I hear where you are coming from. I really do. I'm very familiar with the concepts that you bring to the discussion.
My opinion is that, while this stage of thinking may have been a critical stop on our path toward an embracing of our shared humanity, the leading edge of thought needs to continue the journey.
Do white people, as a whole, still have a whole lot of learning to do? Yes. But we can't wait forever for folks to get on the train that's moving forward.
@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963
I agree that white racism has some unique characteristics, and that is certainly unique as a historic event.
I agree that we need to tackle white racism in the US as our main focus because this is the problem we are living. (Speaking to those of us living in the US while recognizing people living in other countries may be reading and commenting.)
The question is one of approach. Of framing.
@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX
I respectfully hear where you are coming from. I stand by my opinion.
White people will never successfully atone for white racism. Waiting for that to happen delays progress toward coming to terms with our shared humanity.
I get that this is a very unpopular opinion. I have done a lot of work around my own racism. I'll never be finished with that process.
As I continue my work, I will continue having conversations and communicating my true thoughts. My thinking is this:
We need to come together as human beings, recognizing the short comings of human nature and solving problems related to greed and prejudice.
@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963
2. We let humanity off the hook for the problem of prejudice. I'm not an expert in any of this, but I do have relevant educational background and life experiences that shape and strengthen my thinking. Prejudice power-charged by greed is alive and well on every continent. Prejudice power-charged by greed is a problem human beings need to solve on every continent.
Human civilizations have been evolving throughout human history. We slowly, slowly train ourselves and future generations to deal effectively with our worst impulses. We need to spotlight greed-powered prejudice for change.
Separating out white racism and white people as a unique problem creates obstacles to civilizing us all. It allows the bogus part of the conversation to fester and draw resources.
I promise I'm not trying to let white people off the hook or deny the horrors of white racism. I am saying that a more holistic approach is needed to evolve.
#we #wearetheproblem #wearethesolution
It's not that all cops are bastards, it's that all human beings are *potential* bastards. And human beings who gravitate toward positions of power have an increased likelihood of having evil forces within their human profile.
There's a tendency to conclude that white racism proves that people of European ancestry are worse human beings than people with ancestry from other continents. But we're all just human beings who get programmed by our environments.
Cops are also human beings. Each cop is unique with unique programming.
Some folks really do become cops because they want to help. From there, the culture of the police force they join plays a huge role in their chances of making it through their first year and what happens from there.
Others really do become cops because they are evil bastards. Minecraft wait what meme part 430 (Scary Giant Villager) #BigScaryVillager #CreepypastaMinecraft #GiantAlex #GiantVillager #herobrine #horror #JosaCraft #Minecraft #MinecraftFunny #MinecraftGlitches #MinecraftHorror #MinecraftScary #MinecraftVideos #MinecraftWaitWhat #MinecraftWhat #MinecraftWhatMeme #NotSafe #scary #ScaryMinecraft #ScarySteve #WaitMemeMinecraft #WaitWahtMeme #WaitWhatMinecraft #We'llBeRightBack #WhatMemeInMinecraft #WhatMinecraft
#bigscaryvillager #creepypastaminecraft #giantalex #giantvillager #herobrine #horror #josacraft #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftglitches #minecrafthorror #minecraftscary #minecraftvideos #minecraftwaitwhat #minecraftwhat #minecraftwhatmeme #notsafe #scary #scaryminecraft #scarysteve #waitmememinecraft #waitwahtmeme #waitwhatminecraft #we #whatmemeinminecraft #whatminecraft
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#we are informed
A truck crashed into a tree on Yitzhak Rabin Street, according to preliminary information there are victims, police and ambulances are at the scene
We are finding out the details
Send photos/videos from the scene to our bot 👇
Send news to @our_odessabot
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#we're getting reports that the Riviera has been firebombed
Everyone's out, visitors and workers.
#намсообщают, что Ривьеру заминировали
Всех вывели, посетителей и рабочих
Надіслати новину @our_odessabot
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Eldest and I have opened the #RaspberryPi ! #we finally have thought of a useful project and found instructions so it’s worth getting stuck in. Eldest is a little bit excited! He’s loved his #MicroBit
Also realised I could just install #linux on my old laptop, rather than getting rid of it
#raspberrypi #we #microbit #linux