Delhi police’s heavy hand at ‘We20: Peoples’ Summit’ highlights Modi government’s fear of dissent
Clampdown on the civil society summit on August 19, citing permission issues, sparks concerns about free speech before the G20 summit.
#delhi #we20 #INDIAAlliance #dissent #FreeSpeech #censorship #DelhiPolice #HomeMinistry #BJP #india
#delhi #we20 #indiaalliance #dissent #freespeech #censorship #delhipolice #homeministry #BJP #india
are attempting to shut down #We20, which is being resisted, here:
et al wonder why
is afraid of a mere peoples seminar
Delhi Police Arrive at Venue Hosting Event Critical of G20 Summit, 'Stop People From Entering'
Among those who were scheduled to speak at the 'We20' workshops today are Congress leader Jairam Ramesh, food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva, and Janata Dal (United) MP Aneel Hegde.
#delhi #g20 #DelhiPolice #we20 #ClimateChange #environment #biodiversity #HumanRights #MedhaPatkar #VandanaShiva #JairamRamesh #dissent #activism #UnionGovt #BJP #censorship #india
#delhi #g20 #delhipolice #we20 #ClimateChange #environment #biodiversity #humanrights #medhapatkar #vandanashiva #jairamramesh #dissent #activism #uniongovt #BJP #censorship #india