Second worst concert Ive ever been to in my life was Fall out Boy
just sayin...
We Didn’t Start The Fire
>Provided to YouTube by Fueled By Ramen
We Didn’t Start The Fire · Fall Out Boy
#falloutboy #weDidntStartTheFire
Rewatching The Boys on Amazon with my gf… side effects include having random Billy Joel songs stuck in my head at all hours. #wedidntstartthefire
I'm up WAY too early on a Saturday... naming '80s tunes in 2 seconds or less like Shazam. In our high school Americanism class, we were assigned a line from Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire" and had to report on why those people or events were significant. What people and events do you think he'd sing about from the last 30+ years?
#California #Chico #NorCal #Saturday #uptooearly #music #80smusic #Shazam #NameThatTune #BillyJoel #WeDidntStartTheFire #politics #history #news #events
#california #chico #norcal #saturday #uptooearly #music #80smusic #shazam #namethattune #billyjoel #weDidntStartTheFire #politics #history #news #events
Find me on Mastodon #wedidntstartthefire
Now we are hankering for a cover of 'We Didn't Start the Fire' but about #IceCat and #LibreWolf etc re 'Commits Not Pulled From Firefox'.
Through the code they sift,
To keep out corporate grift,
"Commits not pulled from Firefox,
Not we didn't write it,
And like hell we'll fight it."
@rf @whyYouNoLibrewolf #weDidntStartTheFire #lyrics #fediArt
#icecat #librewolf #fedivision #fediLyrics #weDidntStartTheFire #lyrics #fediart