Für Menschenrechte · @DIMR_Berlin
1026 followers · 438 posts · Server social.bund.de

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation schätzt, dass nur einer (!) von 24 Fällen von älterer Menschen gemeldet wird.

Quelle: WHO, „Elder abuse“, Informationsblatt, 15.06.2021.

#misshandlung #weaad #weaad2023 #agewithrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Today is International Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Older people have the right to live safely, without fear of abuse or neglect. Elder abuse is the mistreatment or exploitation of an older person.

It is very distressing for older people, their family and other loved ones. Most commonly, it is committed by someone that the older person knows and trusts, most often within family relationships.

Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical, psychological, financial, social or sexual abuse. Neglect is also a form of abuse.

If you know of someone, or are experiencing elder abuse, call the Australian National Elder Abuse phoneline on 1800 353 374.

#weaad2023 #elders #elderabuse

Last updated 1 year ago