Mori · @mori
287 followers · 5281 posts · Server

@georgetakei Tiktokers are . How do they think ice-creams are made?

They should try watching an abattoir in operation or something.

The only horrifying thing in the ice-cream is the total lack of quality control on the paddle pop stick implementation. Explains why they are often so crooked when I eat them.


Last updated 1 year ago

MugsysRapSheet Blog ☑️ · @MugsysRapSheet
216 followers · 1440 posts · Server

THE REASON Republicans 💓 despite all his criming is b/c of the way he keeps getting away with it... infuriating his critics (whom they despise which is what they love about him.) It doesn't matter that the ONLY reason he keeps getting away with it is thx to a that LET'S HIM skate (see: his impeachments.)

And when this (below) is the best the can come up with when it comes to charges, it'll only get worse. 🤬

#teflondon #gop #Jan6Committee #weaksauce

Last updated 1 year ago

One Brave Peasant · @SeekingDuck
229 followers · 2738 posts · Server

Canada, no longer concerned with human rights, has reinstated diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia. Stephen Harper thinks it's great so take that as you will.

#weaksauce #saudiarabia #Canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Mori · @mori
173 followers · 2358 posts · Server
Kingstrum · @Kingstrum
27 followers · 808 posts · Server

@RevDrFTCatton Sadly, like the various Jesuii of Old, Today's "Satan" just isn't up to scratch (pun very much intended).

Where's the Old-School Satanists of Yore? Running around in the woods in their dark cloaks, with sharp, pointy knives, screaming about blood sacrifices.

Nowadays, all we get is something akin to the Girl Scouts...except *actual* Girl Scouts can kick the ass of these modern (so-called) "Satanists".


#weaksauce #hail

Last updated 2 years ago

Tinder user, 69, wants to legally change his age to 49 so he can get more dates, says we live in an age where gender is fluid, and age should be, too.

Me: But dude, your age is how many years you've been on the human plane. It's a number thing, not a tangible character expressive emotional flesh desire thing.
What a and irrelevant comparison. Your 69, own it.
🤔Maybe the low dating issue isn't your numerical age. FFS

#shallow #weaksauce

Last updated 6 years ago