The Elite Ten: How a Handful of Ethereum Wallets Command Over a Third of ETH’s Total Supply - Ethereum (ETH), boasting its position as the second most dominant cryptocurrency b... - #marketcapitalization #arkhamintelligence #wealthdistribution #top10etherwallets #cryptocurrency #cryptotrading #eliteholders #wrappedether #beaconchain #robinhood #featured #kraken
#kraken #featured #robinhood #beaconchain #wrappedether #eliteholders #coincarp #cryptotrading #cryptocurrency #top10etherwallets #wealthdistribution #arkhamintelligence #marketcapitalization
Who gives a shit that #AI will put #writers and #actors out of work? Good. And #truckers and #developers and #musicians too.
Once again the billionnaire class has everyone angry about the wrong thing. Focus instead on the fact that the trillions of wealth that #AI will generate will be hoarded by, like, 10 people. THAT is something to be angry about.
The 10 richest people in America are sitting on $1.2 trillion dollars. We don't have an #AI problem we have a #WealthDistribution problem.
#ai #writers #actors #truckers #developers #musicians #wealthdistribution
The true outrage isn’t that there are billionaires who don’t pay federal income taxes but that, in our allegedly “civilized” society, billionaires even exist.
#WealthDistribution #WeAllInheritTheEarth #SocialContract #FeedNeedNotGreed #wealth #avarice #greed #excess #indigence #poverty #need
#need #poverty #indigence #excess #greed #avarice #wealth #feedneednotgreed #socialcontract #weallinherittheearth #wealthdistribution
"the wealthier the individual or the family, the lesser is reported income relative to wealth
Tax paid by these groups relative to their wealth is smaller than the relative tax liability for middle-wealth groups"
To Save US Democracy, Tax the Rich at 90%
#TaxTheRich #USDemocracy #IncomeInequality #WealthDistribution #EconomicJustice #ProgressiveTaxation #Politics #News
#taxtherich #usdemocracy #incomeinequality #wealthdistribution #economicjustice #progressivetaxation #politics #news
Bernie Sanders: Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist
Hashtagfornewssource: #Jacobin1. #BernieSanders2. #BillionairesShouldntExist3. #TaxTheRich4. #Capitalism5. #IncomeInequality6. #WealthDistribution #Politics #News
#jacobin1 #berniesanders2 #billionairesshouldntexist3 #taxtherich4 #capitalism5 #incomeinequality6 #wealthdistribution #politics #news
#America is currently in a #transition but in denial or ignorance about it. The #middleclass is a shadow of it's 50 year ago self. The differences between lower, middle and upper middle class is disappearing fast. The classic pitting of the upper and middle against the lower and destitute has lost its legs! The #newclasswar has 2 participants, the bottom 90% vs the owners of 95% of all. #classwar, no shame in it. The #wealthdistribution problem is only a small part of it. A viable future is at stake. Once we the 90% unify, unresponsive to the old dog whistles of division, the people with common causes can change history. It's not labor vs capital, it's the people vs capital. The sooner the moderately more privileged join with those who have less and people of other races the faster we can reorder 4 a system that works for vast majority and the #spaceship, not a tiny destructive few. You can't be sane and well informed and claim what we have now is working for the majority. Youth know #socialism isn't scary.
#america #transition #middleclass #newclasswar #classwar #wealthdistribution #spaceship #socialism
#America is currently in a #transition but in denial or ignorance about it. The #middleclass is a shadow of it's 50 year ago self. The differences between lower, middle and upper middle class is disappearing fast. The classic pitting of the upper and middle against the lower and destitute has lost it legs! The #newclasswar has two participants, the bottom 90% vs the owners of 95% of all. #classwar, no shame in it. The #wealthdistribution problem is only a small part of it. A viable future is at stake. Once we the 90% unify, unresponsive to the old dog whistles of division, the people with common causes can change history. It's not labor vs capital, it's the people vs capital. The sooner the moderately more privileged join with those who have less and people of other races the faster we can reorder 4 a system that works for vast majority and the #spaceship, not a tiny destructive few. You can't be sane and well informed and claim what we have now is working for the majority. Youth know #socialism isn't scary.
#america #transition #middleclass #newclasswar #classwar #wealthdistribution #spaceship #socialism
This is the epitome of inequality in wealth distribution. Some people go hungry while others, well, you’ll see…
#siliconvalley #ai #robots #capitalism #wealthdistribution
Another great piece by The Pudding about #wealthdistribution:
“The poorest half of the global population barely owns wealth: it owns just 2% of the total. By contrast, the richest 10% of the global population own 76% of all wealth.” this is the world #AI is coming of age in. #Inequality #Sociology #WealthDistribution #IncomeInequality
#incomeinequality #wealthdistribution #sociology #inequality #ai
When you’re so wealthy that buying things doesn’t bring you happiness, you start craving power over the people and communities more than you would as a mere millionaire. Billionaires must be made a thing of the past…nobody nor any family lineage need a 100+ billion fortune. #wealthtax #greed #fortunes #wealthdistribution
#wealthtax #greed #fortunes #wealthdistribution
When we talk about the 1%, let’s remember this. Strangely there’s a metaphor there related to farts: only 1% of their composition smells. So…1% of both people and farts smell.
Merry Christmas!
#ClassWar #EatTheRich #TheOnePercent #Science #WealthDistribution #Wealth
#wealth #wealthdistribution #science #theonepercent #eattherich #classwar
Nice “Toot Essay” from @BuildSoil here, the core insight of which is: “Economic models of #sustainability only work with even #wealthdistribution because they depend on price controls: when resources get sparse prices go up. With good wealth distribution that puts a cap on extraction because it becomes price prohibitive”. The rest is here:
#sustainability #wealthdistribution
Let this sink in:
The CEO-to-worker pay gap is now 351-to-1. In 1965, the ratio was 21-to-1. Trickle down economics is nothing more than a cruel hoax designed to enrich bankers and wealthy executives.
#PayGap #TrickleDownEconomics #billionaires #WealthDistribution
#socialmedia #wealthdistribution #billionaires #trickledowneconomics #paygap
@qwosl He would rather spunk money on #vanity projects than pay his employees a #livingwage and provide #decent #workconditions. #wealthdistribution now!
#wealthdistribution #workconditions #decent #livingwage #vanity
Si posees menos de 10.000€ felicidades, formas parte del 55% mas pobre de la sociedad. A por el 1% mas rico!!
#desigualdad #pobreza #wealthdistribution
is posting inspirobot quotes cheating? #wealth #wealthdistribution #society #leftwing #left
#wealth #wealthdistribution #society #leftwing #left