Human Lives on Sale Now — All Weapons Must Blow.
#proxyWar #warViaUkraine #celebrityWar #politicalWar #identityWar #racistWar #USAengineeredWar #USA #weaponsIndustry #borisJohnsonsWar #bidensWar #zelenskyIsATool #weaponsClearance #humanLivesOnSale #allWeaponsMustBlow
#proxywar #warviaukraine #celebritywar #politicalwar #identitywar #racistwar #usaengineeredwar #usa #weaponsIndustry #borisjohnsonswar #bidenswar #zelenskyisatool #weaponsClearance #humanLivesOnSale #allWeaponsMustBlow
Tillony = Serious crime.
#cantillionEffect #tillony #criminals #cantillonists #moneyPrinterGoDrr #samBankmanFried #celebrity #volodymyrZelensky #weaponsIndustry #larryFink #algorithmicTrading #janetYellon #imprisonList
#cantillionEffect #tillony #criminals #cantillonists #moneyPrinterGoDrr #SamBankmanFried #celebrity #volodymyrzelensky #weaponsIndustry #larryfink #algorithmicTrading #janetyellon #ImprisonList
After the #warmongers have sufficiently weakened Russia via proxy they intend to switch to #war on #Asia, mostly #China and #Taiwan etc. Something to do with China not respecting #intellectualProperty laws, and wanting to maintain the integrity of their borders, or something such.
Know that #neocons embrace this.
They use online #anonymity to promote mass #depopulation outcomes they are setup to benefit from.
We call for #PlannedDegrowth instead.
#warmongers #war #asia #china #taiwan #intellectualproperty #neocons #anonymity #depopulation #plannedDegrowth #weaponsIndustry
SaudiArabia's attack on #Yemen: #USA-armaments with #UK logistical support, last we checked, right.
Where do the weapons come from that start these civil wars and armed rebel groups in these little countries?
#yemen #usa #uk #refugeeProducers #weaponsIndustry #peacesellsbutwhosbuyin
US is giving weapons and engineering #socialMedia to encourage war in #Europe to not only attack #Russia and #China but because Europe has the best #townPlanning model to dominate in the 21st century, and USA are a bit jealous.
The #USA are culturally and linguistically unable to do #townhouses surrounded by #farmland in their #corporateMedia, so they would rather just export #war and pillage Europe.
#socialmedia #europe #russia #china #townPlanning #usa #townhouses #farmland #corporatemedia #war #CulturalDominance #weaponsIndustry #economicWarfare
The goal is to produce as many #refugees as possible, and extract natural resources.
The people who talk like the #USA "failed in <INSERT_COUNTRY>" either don't realise the basic bezzle. The #militaryContractors and #weaponsIndustry and the rest of the securocrats are huge winners.
Julian Assange is quoted as saying these wars are less for winning and more about "#moneyLaundering".
They are also #humanTrafficking ops — often by giving #extremists weapons and assistance.
#refugees #usa #militaryContractors #weaponsIndustry #moneylaundering #humantrafficking #extremists
Where #God closes an #Afghanistan, he always opens a #Ukraine.
#WWContinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #corporatism #neoliberalism #nazism #micimatt #wealthExtraction #USA #russia #nato
#god #afghanistan #ukraine #wwcontinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #corporatism #neoliberalism #nazism #MICIMATT #wealthExtraction #usa #russia #nato
Where one #Afghanistan closes, a #Ukraine cracks open.
#WWContinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #nazism #micimatt
#afghanistan #ukraine #wwcontinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #nazism #MICIMATT
@randahl We have read your post. How is it that you neglect to mention the #warProfiteering done by the #USA in the last year and a half.
The #weaponsIndustry in the US is the biggest beneficiary of the #warOnRussia through #Ukraine.
#warProfiteering #usa #weaponsIndustry #waronrussia #ukraine
It seems their solution to the multiple crises, is to create a new crisis to take the attention away.
It will be interesting to know how much the people with a blue and yellow avatar have invested in the #warIndustry. For real.
#warIsGoodForBusiness #weaponsIndustry #moneyPrinterGoDrrr @kpeace @dianor
#warindustry #warisgoodforbusiness #weaponsIndustry #moneyprintergodrrr
What's all this about #ModernSlavery?
Do they mean #humanTrafficking or #slavery caused by #bankers using the #moneyPrinter then demanding interest?
Do bureaucrats ever draw a correlation between #sanctions coupled with giving weapons to #extremists in foreign lands and the conditions that make people #slaves, or fall into the clutches of #humanTraffickers?
#ponziEconomics #inflationAsTheft #Libya #Venezuela #weaponsIndustry
#modernslavery #humantrafficking #slavery #bankers #moneyPrinter #sanctions #extremists #slaves #humantraffickers #ponziEconomics #inflationastheft #libya #venezuela #weaponsIndustry
Its too late.
People have allowed themselves to be taken on this ride. They have been docile while the #weaponsIndustry has prepared the event.
There will be death.
By the way scenarios 1) and 2) can both be true. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
While we think a child is able to learn basics and engage in other endeavors you indeed touch on an interesting point re asking the child to creatively undertake political acts.
In this case the creative act is in designing a letter for sustainability.
Compelling an impressionable person to volunteer is a method of #indoctrination. In the past, it's been used to further #interventionist mindset favorable to the #weaponsIndustry, and even #medical experimentation.
#indoctrination #interventionist #weaponsIndustry #medical
In other news, #Australia's national broadcaster openly making a joke of the #UkraineRussia conflict.
One comedian on ABC labelling a spokesperson for Ukraine "Borat" due to his lack of command of the #englishLanguage.
This aligns with our thesis that theWest deliberately stoked this conflict, exporting people with poor ideologies to #Ukraine to both die, and to fuel our #weaponsIndustry and #militarism.
#australia #ukrainerussia #englishlanguage #ukraine #weaponsIndustry #militarism #phonyWar #Borat #NotMyABC #notajoke #notfunny
Thinking of the people's in #DonetskPeoplesRepublic who are reportedly having to deal with petal size #landmines being spread across their land.
Two people have been injured recently, including one aid worker who came to help another.
Ukraine signed a treaty in the 90s that they will not use these #weapons. While these particular mines may not kill a person they often blow their foot off.
Stop feeding #weaponsIndustry. Stop this.
#DonetskPeoplesRepublic #landmines #weapons #weaponsIndustry #weaponsClearance #humanLivesOnSale #allWeaponsMustBlow
We need a story to justify X.
This empty #shoppingCenter that had #weapons stockpiled next door suddenly becomes framed as a bustling shopping center with hundreds of shoppers, and now the center of "one of the most blatant #terroristAttacks in #European history", and justifies more, more, MORE weapons.
#Kremenchug #inTheatres #weaponsIndustry #spain #theatre #naTO #letsMakeRefugees
#shoppingcenter #weapons #terroristAttacks #european #Kremenchug #inTheatres #weaponsIndustry #spain #theatre #nato #letsMakeRefugees
HOW #WEST SAYS, "Go kill yourself" in the most #diplomatic way possible…
When asked if arming #Ukraine was prolonging the war, #NATO's chief, #JensStoltenberg said, "We help them because they're asking for it."
He adds "Throughout #history we've seen #nations willing to accept great #sacrifice for freedom."
#indoctrination #facebookGroups #radicalization #freedomFries #naturalResources #freeForAll #depopulation #refugeeProducer #nazism #iPaidHitler_book #weaponsIndustry #theyreAskingForIt
#west #diplomatic #ukraine #nato #JensStoltenberg #history #nations #sacrifice #indoctrination #facebookgroups #radicalization #freedomfries #naturalresources #freeforall #depopulation #refugeeProducer #nazism #iPaidHitler_book #weaponsIndustry #theyreAskingForIt
It was a okay film about #Assange's plight.
It left out large portions of info, like how he had a show on #RT from the embassy. The #Ruptly footage of Assange being dragged out was missing the Ruptly logo, whereas footage from corrupt media always featured their logos.
* Never showed RT coverage.
* Didnt mention the person who testified against Assange admitting he perjured himself.
We felt it a strange choice to elevate the discredited "entertainer" #Maddow, backed by #weaponsIndustry.
#assange #rt #ruptly #maddow #weaponsIndustry
@jeffcliff Starting with the #USA and the #UK which provide the weapons and #bombAiming respectively?
#Yemen #saudiArabia #weaponsIndustry #oppression #genocide #freeJournalistAssange
#usa #uk #bombAiming #yemen #saudiarabia #weaponsIndustry #oppression #genocide #FreeJournalistAssange
Quite right.
Noone should lament lower #population forecasts, **if there even is any**, given that Earth is showing grave, grave signs of #overpopulation.
We personally take issue with Australia's abuse of immigration, and the immigrants themselves very often too, and how we appear to relish creating #refugees following highly dubious #weaponsIndustry sales, and our numerous… (being nice here when we shouldn't) interventions.
#population #overpopulation #refugees #weaponsIndustry #freeassange