The Moment a Bullet Turns Into a Flashlight, Caught on Film - [The Slo Mo Guys] caught something fascinating while filming some firearms at 82,0... - #chemistryhacks #weaponshacks #ballisticgel #dieseleffect #slowmotion #gunpowder #firearms #flash
#flash #firearms #gunpowder #slowmotion #dieseleffect #ballisticgel #weaponshacks #chemistryhacks
Trebuchet Sends Eggs Flying - Without any sort of restrictions on designs for trebuchets, these medieval siege w... - #weaponshacks #competition #trebuchet #catapult #distance #contest #design #weight #egg
#egg #weight #design #contest #distance #catapult #trebuchet #competition #weaponshacks
THOR Microwaves Drone Swarms - In recent years small drones have gone from being toys and photography tools to a ... - #antidronedefenses #weaponshacks #microwavegun #swarm #news
#news #swarm #microwavegun #weaponshacks #antidronedefenses
Cheap Camera Gives Clay-Pigeon’s-Eye View of Trap Shooting - Speaking from experience, it’s always fun to build something with the specific int... - #keychaincamera #weaponshacks #trapshooting #claypigeon #shooting #shotgun #target #drone #pov
#pov #drone #target #shotgun #shooting #claypigeon #trapshooting #weaponshacks #keychaincamera
Doomba: Purifying Your Floors With Fire - If you’ve ever thought that your floor cleaning robot eating the fringe on your ru... - #weaponshacks #flamethrower #radiocontrol #robotshacks #roomba #robot #fire
#fire #robot #roomba #robotshacks #radiocontrol #flamethrower #weaponshacks
Six Shooter Swaps Powder for Popped Capacitors - Modern firearms might seem far removed from the revolvers of the Old West, but con... - #electrolyticcapacitor #weaponshacks #capacitor #revolver #pistol #parts
#parts #pistol #revolver #capacitor #weaponshacks #electrolyticcapacitor
Knife Throwing Machine Gets the Spin Just Right - Despite how it might appear in bad action movies, throwing a knife and making it s... - #weaponshacks #servomotors #knife #lidar
#lidar #knife #servomotors #weaponshacks