All these good people not using and not supporting the , to extremist groups, , and wealthTransfer to

…you must be stopped, forthwith!

May the .

#usd #humantrafficking #weaponssales #assasinations #speculators #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 3 years ago

You sure this has more to do with Brexit than supporting bombing campaigns and that millions globally?

#weaponssales #displace

Last updated 4 years ago

Thanks, sounds like an atrocityStory. If even true in entirety, there are atrocities everywhere including in our own country, and perpetrated by us abroad.

are famous for drumming up "" proven false or misleading for decades. See the lecture.

If true and these people want to kill each other and themselves, there's not anything an outsider can do anyway.

Oh wait - stop to them and their proxies might be a good start.

#nytimes #atrocityStories #MichaelParenti #weaponssales

Last updated 4 years ago