India proposes massive #weaponssales to African countries
Original tweet :
All these good people not using #USD and not supporting the #humanTrafficking, #weaponsSales to extremist groups, #assasinations, and wealthTransfer to #speculators…
…you must be stopped, forthwith!
May the #moneyPrinterGoBrr.
#usd #humantrafficking #weaponssales #assasinations #speculators #moneyPrinterGoBrr
You sure this has more to do with Brexit than supporting bombing campaigns and #weaponsSales that #displace millions globally?
Thanks, sounds like an atrocityStory. If even true in entirety, there are atrocities everywhere including in our own country, and perpetrated by us abroad.
#NYtimes are famous for drumming up "#atrocityStories" proven false or misleading for decades. See the #MichaelParenti lecture.
If true and these people want to kill each other and themselves, there's not anything an outsider can do anyway.
Oh wait - stop #weaponsSales to them and their proxies might be a good start.
#nytimes #atrocityStories #MichaelParenti #weaponssales
Hi I'm a 30-something #identityLeftist and in late 2020 learned the word '#coup'.
Do I get a gold star, mommy?
#ILearnedANewWord #doIGetAGoldStar #USLedCoup #USCoup #colourRevolution #weaponsSales #cia #USInterference #rightwingExtremists #corporateMedia #darkMoney #Australia #Bolivia #Libya #Chile #Guatemala #howManyCoupsHaveWeMissed
#identityLeftist #coup #ILearnedANewWord #doIGetAGoldStar #USLedCoup #USCoup #colourRevolution #weaponssales #cia #USInterference #rightwingExtremists #corporatemedia #darkmoney #australia #bolivia #libya #chile #guatemala #howManyCoupsHaveWeMissed