Integrazione perfetta nel settore sanitario: i vantaggi dei sistemi di gestione dei dati Point of Care (PoC).
Nel panorama sanitario odierno, la capacità di integrare perfettamente informazioni e processi è ...
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointofCare #wearable
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointOfCare #wearable
Ihr tragt n #wearable #smartwatch das eure Herzfrequenz u.a. misst, dann könnt ihr evtl. bei dieser #Studie zum Thema #Covid mit euren Daten beitragen.
Für #longhauler #longcovid Betroffene gibt es wohl eine weitere Studie an der man sich mit seinen Werten beteiligen kann.
#wearable #Smartwatch #Studie #covid #longhauler #LongCovid
Well, that was an interesting #discovery Turns out my #Samsung #Galaxy Buds 2 Pro have an app for #Windows that's available in the #Microsoft Store It has virtually the same controls as the Galaxy #Wearable app on my Samsung Galaxy A53. All I have to do to connect the buds to my ultrabook is open the app, and open the case and hit enter on the connect button that's on the screen of the ultrabook and boom, it connects and I'm off to the races. Definitely worth the discovery...
#discovery #samsung #galaxy #windows #microsoft #wearable
Integrazione perfetta nel settore sanitario: i vantaggi dei sistemi di gestione dei dati Point of Care (PoC).
Nel panorama sanitario odierno, la capacità di integrare perfettamente informazioni e processi è ...
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointofCare #wearable
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointOfCare #wearable
01 Net: La bague connectée est à portée de main : « On discute avec les big tech, on se protège » #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #santéconnectée #Innovation #wearable #Technos #enquête #bague
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #santeconnectee #innovation #wearable #Technos #enquete #bague
Integrazione perfetta nel settore sanitario: i vantaggi dei sistemi di gestione dei dati Point of Care (PoC).
Nel panorama sanitario odierno, la capacità di integrare perfettamente informazioni e processi è ...
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointofCare #wearable
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointOfCare #wearable
Aber, und hier komme ich zu meinem eigentlichen Anliegen, so kann es nicht weitergehen.
Ich brauche Unterstützung beim #Pacing.
Gestern habe ich etwas gegugelt.
Es gibt Studien zu #Wearables, es gibt die #FimoApp (wenn auch - noch - nicht mit meiner Krankenkasse #warjaklar).
Es gibt den fantastischen "Geek's Guide to #LongCovid":
Wer kann mir ein geeignetes #Wearable empfehlen? Kein Apple, kein Abo, gerne nicht hässlich.
#pacing #wearables #fimoapp #warjaklar #LongCovid #wearable
Is anyone using #gadgetbridge and #TinyWeatherForecastGermany with a #wearable then can display probability of precipitation and the UV hazard index?
Does this work like expected?
Just curious, because this is a new feature since the last update and zero feedback up to now.
#gadgetbridge #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #wearable
I've been delaying building a #wearable #cyberdeck for the longest time because it's quite time consuming.
But at very least I'm gonna start designing it.
Integrazione perfetta nel settore sanitario: i vantaggi dei sistemi di gestione dei dati Point of Care (PoC).
Nel panorama sanitario odierno, la capacità di integrare perfettamente informazioni e processi è ...
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointofCare #wearable
#dispositivimedici #innovazionemedicale #PointOfCare #wearable
Evidence for positive long- and short-term effects of vaccinations against #COVID19 in #wearable sensor metrics | PNAS Nexus | Oxford Academic “Compared to their #unvaccinated counterparts, we find that #vaccinated individuals, on average, experience smaller changes in their #VitalData that also return to normal levels more quickly.
#COVID19 #wearable #unvaccinated #vaccinated #vitaldata
Samsung Galaxy Pulse: Kommt nun doch der smarte Ring für den Finger? #SamsungGalaxy #GalaxyPulse #MobilePhone #GalaxyRing #Smartphone #SmartRing #wearable #Android #samsung #Gadget #galaxy #Mobile #phone #News #Ring
#samsunggalaxy #galaxypulse #mobilephone #galaxyring #smartphone #smartring #wearable #android #samsung #gadget #galaxy #mobile #phone #news #ring
OnePlus Fingertip Wearable zur Verfolgung von Fingerbewegungen #Vermischtes #Fingertip #tracking #wearable #android #OnePlus #xleaks7 #Pigtou
#Vermischtes #fingertip #tracking #wearable #android #oneplus #xleaks7 #pigtou
I think my fitbit just broke. are there good #wearable fitness trackers that respect privacy yet?
Dai monitor biometrici ai vestiti che cambiano colore, un nuovo display flessibile e cangiante sviluppato dai ricercatori dell'Università della British Columbia apre infinite possibilità.
#didplay #wearable #schermi #flessibili #futuro #futuroprossimo
#didplay #wearable #schermi #flessibili #futuro #FuturoProssimo
#AI #Wearable #movementtracking data identify #Parkinson’s disease years before #clinical #diagnosis
#ai #wearable #movementtracking #parkinson #clinical #diagnosis
Excited to announce that Yin Ye and Oliver Weidlich will be speaking about #design for #wearable #augmentedreality #spatialcomputing at AWE Asia in Singapore at the end of August More info to come!
#design #wearable #augmentedreality #spatialcomputing
It's been a cool time for combining #wearable with UK #biobank data for some interesting results: e.g. assessing the contribution of exercise vs genetic contribution in #diabetes
"This isn’t an AirPod — it’s a wearable unlike any I’ve seen before "
#StatHealth #Hypoperfusion #Dysautonomia #POTS #MECFS #LongCovid #OrthostaticIntolerance #Wearable
#stathealth #hypoperfusion #Dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #LongCovid #orthostaticintolerance #wearable