some light #Sunday listening..
We have been throwing millions & the smartest minds at finding a “cure” for #Alzheimers with zero success since the 1970’s
#sars2 #covid19 appear to be accelerating this disease along with countless others
It’s not exactly easy to avoid future disease, but the small things you do daily today can & will affect your future #wearADamnRespirator #wearAMask #novavax #iotaCarageenan
#sunday #alzheimers #SARS2 #covid19 #wearadamnrespirator #WearAMask #novavax #iotacarageenan
have I shared this here yet? I bring it out every late summer…got me through 2022 & had it on repeat every time I left my doors
#KillingInTheName #RageAgainstTheMachine
#ratm #wearADamnRespirator #CovidIsNotOver
#ratm #wearadamnrespirator #CovidIsNotOver #pokerface #killinginthename #rageagainstthemachine
a shockingly high number of people have no idea they have #CKD
Forget the actual stat but it’s >60%
it’s normally not something that gets diagnosed early in life, but fully expect it to increase along with a plethora of other “old age” diseases if not already, definitely soon
part of the reason i am super cautious w/my health is b/c i know how expensive health is #frugal
#CKD #wearadamnrespirator #novavax #frugal
@Gdac 💯
it would be a lot easier if everyone did the right thing & #wearADamnRespirator tho
my SO was about to lose his damn mind so we went on a vacation did #airbnb #grocery stores & imho that plus #novavax 3💉nasal spray, masks & #HEPA necklace kept me #covid free
people do not love themselves imho so how can we expect them to care for anyone else?
my beliefs border on #conspiracyTheory but i have the #receipts
used to be EXTREMELY tolerant #decorum galore but I’m done⬇️
#wearadamnrespirator #airbnb #grocery #novavax #HEPA #covid #conspiracytheory #receipts #decorum
my spouse found these browsing #pintrest & couldn’t stop myself from sharing them …
#2023 #bradPitt #wearADamnRespirator
#pintrest #bradpitt #wearadamnrespirator
#saponins #science
No #vaccine protects very well from #XBB116 but if you #wearADamnRespirator #HEPA #nasalSpray + #Novavax …
IMHO you’ll have a fighting chance since it’s a free for all #covidZombieApocalypse
An N95/99 respirator alone, unless it’s an elastomeric or #microclimateAir2 + #KF94 in tandem, IS NOT ENOUGH for a #variant that can be caught🚫😷in<30 seconds
Unless you signed up for the #alwaysInfected plan… that’s how long it takes #viralDose
#saponins #Science #vaccine #xbb116 #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA #NasalSpray #novavax #covidzombieapocalypse #microclimateair2 #KF94 #variant #alwaysinfected #viraldose
this #fact makes me pretty pleased.. 20% ain’t nothing
& we can make it grow #grassroots #covidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotACold #wearADamnRespirator #reinfection #XBB116 #sarscov2 #covid19
#fact #grassroots #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotacold #wearadamnrespirator #reinfection #xbb116 #sarscov2 #covid19
sold #DaveGahan a bunch of socks once 12 yrs ago & being a #depecheMode fan since forever, i fan girled momentarily but being laundry queen followed up w/advice not to put them🧦in the dryer😂
if you’re worried about germs, steam ironing after air drying will kill nearly everything
don’t understand why they’re touring b/c surely they have enough money
These photos 2 yrs apart & if you can’t see how they’ve aged like Bowie did in The Hunger.. i guess it’s just me🤷🏻♀️
#wearADamnRespirator #novavax
#davegahan #DepecheMode #wearadamnrespirator #novavax
the ambulances are off the hook again today in #NYC
was reminded today that #longCovid is often a 3 month delay… which means summer should be lovely 🙄
#wearADamnRespirator please
#nyc #LongCOVID #wearadamnrespirator
@trendless @Rhyothemis
Michael Mina is predicting 50 yrs into the future for those who are 20 yrs old today having problems when they’re 70, but there is ZERO chance a 20 year old today in 2023 will live 50 years if they keep getting #reinfection
We are all David Bowie aging 65 years in a single afternoon like he did in The Hunger..
Has anyone noticed all the sudden gray hair everyone got over-night? #telomeres #scienceFacts
#reinfection #telomeres #sciencefacts #wearadamnrespirator
@TRyanGregory @hfentonmudd
we rented a private unit & 🛒🥗🥑🍎🍋🥩🥖🥬🦐🧅🫐🍽️
everything, did not dine out & went to secluded beaches
we contributed to the island’s economy w/out needing to stay in a hotel
2 #mRNA followed by 3 #Novavax along w/ #HEPA necklace, perpetual #wearADamnRespirator kept us #noCovid
#iWantMyNovavax truly works in tandem w/caution
Did see the occasional😷 however the dye is cast on reverse message of #covidIsNotACold
#dontWorryBeHappy does indeed seem to be the anthem for 2023
#mRNA #novavax #HEPA #wearadamnrespirator #noCovid #iwantmynovavax #covidisnotacold #dontworrybehappy
idk what kind of world this is that I, no science girl, know more about threat of #sarscov2 than #ivyLeague MDs
IT TAKES <THAN 10 INHALATIONS TO CATCH #covid19 #reinfection
#hybridImmunity lasts about 2.5 months IF that
minimizing narrative is RIDICULOUS
#whatever #youDoYou i guess
#strokes #heartAttack #cardiacArrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereShortening #prematureAging #wearADamnRespirator #CovidIsNotOver not just #immunocompromised 🙄
h/t @TRyanGregory
#sarscov2 #ivyleague #covid19 #reinfection #hybridimmunity #whatever #youdoyou #strokes #heartattack #cardiacarrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereshortening #prematureaging #wearadamnrespirator #CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised
@westernspinster @joeyfox has stated before a #HEPA directly next to the face can help but isn’t practical to hold hence the #PureEnrichment #hack
there’s zero chance i’d do this w/out a #wearADamnRespirator but it does seem to buy more time as unless you’re wearing an #elastomeric there is very limited time w/ #R0 as high as #whatever it is
also it acts as a little fan which is pleasant; most people don’t even notice it or think it’s some fashion accessory 😂🤣🖤
#HEPA #pureenrichment #hack #wearadamnrespirator #elastomeric #r0 #whatever
heard #graySwan so thought of #blackSwan & to see they actually were referencing @nntaleb
makes me want to read the book again
#antigenicDrift #antigenicShift
is potatoe potato at this point
#grayswan #blackswan #antigenicdrift #antigenicshift #wearadamnrespirator
i will watch anything if the fashion is decent but found myself cringing the entire way through
Hollywood is going to be going through some things.. along w/rest of the entire world
Used to help celebrities on occasion b/c my former job in clothing & they are proletariats too who are slaves to the #capitalist machine
have always felt bad for them, even tho this is the life they chose
#wearADamnRespirator #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotACold
#capitalist #wearadamnrespirator #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotacold
Last comment about the pharmacist who administered my 💉& THE ENTIRE WORLD out there attending NYC, Milan, Paris fashion shows..
These people are young… they have less wear & tear on their arteries
My cousin’s layover in Dallas he saw 2 people in the entire airport😷
Glanced at fashion on Insta very very briefly & NOBODY in a😷
WE DO NOT HAVE A STERILIZING VACCINE & until we do, we all need to #wearADamnRespirator
My takeaway is get the vax & wear the respirator
Hm. Let me think… adapting to different circumstances & thinking of new ways to solve problems or.. constant #reinfection with a #virus that is going to shorten your life & quality of living by a significant number years🤔 #decades
Gosh, it’s really a tough choice that🙄
#DavosSafe clearly shows us there are better ways but #media has #gaslit us all into #helpless #giveUp #behaviors
#DontGiveUp #DontInhaleTheVirus #wearADamnRespirator #HEPA
#reinfection #virus #decades #davossafe #media #gaslit #helpless #giveup #behaviors #dontgiveup #DontInhaleTheVirus #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA
#CovidReports #reinfection #sarscov2 #immuneDysregulation
#CovidIsNotACold #science #wearADamnRespirator #socialConformity #empathy
Don’t believe me… believe the #science & all the #scientist
#CovidPapers #education #biology #epidemiology #virus #xbb
#covidreports #reinfection #sarscov2 #ImmuneDysregulation #covidisnotacold #Science #wearadamnrespirator #socialconformity #empathy #scientist #covidpapers #education #biology #epidemiology #virus #xbb
#CovidReports #reinfection #sarscov2 #immuneDysregulation #2020 #2021 #2022 #2023
#CovidIsNotACold #science #wearADamnRespirator #socialConformity #empathy #CovidPapers
#covidreports #reinfection #sarscov2 #ImmuneDysregulation #covidisnotacold #Science #wearadamnrespirator #socialconformity #empathy #covidpapers
It’s completely wild to me
People in my building who were always responsibly masked, now in the middle of winter, unmasked like it’s July. Mind you I believe there are current “recommendations” to #maskIndoors #NYC
We are living in the mother of all #socialConformity #experiments
Masks are never coming back…
On the I know who I instantly want to friends with? #suss #values #morals #ethics #intelligent #kindness #empathy #smart #wearADamnRespirator
#health #love
#maskindoors #nyc #socialconformity #experiments #suss #values #morals #ethics #intelligent #kindness #empathy #SMART #wearadamnrespirator #health #love