Concerning the gendered approach to mask-wearing in #Japan, it never hit me more than a couple of months ago when a high school class was visiting campus. Zero boys wore a mask, while all the girls but two wore one (the too-obvious "bad girls" of the class).
And you see it with older and younger people too. My son (2nd grade) told me that he's the only boy in his class still wearing one. :-(
COVID-19 forces Pontiac football to forfeit Week 3 game and ruins historic start for the team
by Jared Purcell
#michigan #pontiac #covidisnotover #covid19 #wearamask
The #CDC is open for comments regarding their decision to limit who can get the next #COVID #booster. go here to tell the CDC everyone should have access to all boosters!
#US #USA #America #Americans #COVID19 #Covid #Corona #CoronaVirus #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #Pandemic #PandemicIsNotOver #Mask #Masks #WearAMask #Death #Deaths #AmericanDeaths #Vaccine #Vaccines #montag #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Monday #LongCovid #news #USNews #politics #USPolitics
#cdc #covid #booster #us #usa #america #americans #covid19 #corona #coronavirus #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #pandemic #pandemicisnotover #mask #masks #wearamask #death #deaths #americandeaths #vaccine #vaccines #montag #friday #saturday #sunday #monday #longcovid #news #usnews #politics #uspolitics
⑥ #WearAMask & a dolt calls you #HunterBiden😂
⑦ Say “pro” on #Mastodon & egotist⬆loses his collective sh^t🔴
⑧ Like #Florida's Mr. “Don't Say #Gay” but OBSESS about #Woke🔴
⑨ Anti-intellectualism, #Populism, #Fascism & “I hate #ElonMusk, #GeorgeSoros, #Twitter or #X so much clouded judgment is my default” = Trumpism🔴
#USA #MentalHealth #SocialMedia #Nazis #HumanRights #Fediverse #Education▼
#wearamask #hunterbiden #mastodon #florida #gay #woke #populism #fascism #elonmusk #georgesoros #twitter #x #usa #mentalhealth #socialmedia #nazis #humanrights #fediverse #education
@RickiTarr Karl loved his wife, he truly did, but he dreaded Pumpkin Spice Season with every fiber of his being. He thanked God for the meetings where he could share his feelings with other sufferers. Not #Covid Not #Lethal Just fucking annoying. #PumpkinSpice #WearAMask 😉
#covid #lethal #pumpkinspice #wearamask
① #COVID in 2023: What To Know🔴
② Top #USA COVID19 Hot Spots🔴
③ States Where #COVID19 Surge Is the Worst Right Now🔴
④ Boosters ALERT🔴
⑤ Heed #Trump's “Will Not Comply” Rot At Your Own Peril⭕
⑥ Love Life? #WearAmask🟢
#EG5 #Texas #Health #Florida #Eris #Louisiana #News #Mississippi #MAGA #Alabama #Security #California #GOP #Science #Fediverse #Education▼
#covid #usa #covid19 #trump #wearamask #eg5 #texas #health #florida #eris #louisiana #news #mississippi #maga #alabama #security #california #gop #science #fediverse #education
LOL my neuro-spicy brain is demanding an immediate retreat from Medical-Industry World, after just two days of navigating my clinic's inconsistent masking policies. So that VM about scheduling a follow-up referral is just going to have to stew in my phone one more day, while I indulge my brain in some of my usual modes of therapeutic online goofing-off 😸
#neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #Covid #CovidIsntOver #WearAMask
#neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #covid #covidisntover #wearamask
Block Party bringing Flint community together through beats, beers and more
by Madeline Warren
#flint #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #wearamask
I am switching from #WearAMask to #BringBackMasks as tags, because it shouldn't be all on individuals.
'This highlights the problem of "living with the #virus".
via @ShairaLeiza
#virus #covidcautious #wearamask #covidisnotover
I would bet this is because people with more money can actually rest when they get sick.
Once again for the people in the back: there is nothing more punk rock than giving a shit about other people.
#covidisnotover #wearamask #careandkindness #protectimmunecompromisedwhanau
@Empathy1st My son will continue to wear his elastomeric respirator to school. He is quite fond of it as he went from being sick all the time to never by wearing it (positive reinforcement). He also only eats & drinks outside.
We need to normalize wearing masks one person at a time until it becomes an expected part of your outfit when leaving the house.
Right-Wing “Herd Immunity” Logic Has Infiltrated US Politics and Public Health
A toxic worldview has exploited pandemic despair to win new converts to the politics of the far right.
By Danny Katch, Truthout
Published August 9, 2023
#covidisnotover #stophealthsupremacy #wearamask #universalhealthcare #disabilityjustice
Contact HICPAC, tell your friends, wear a mask.
Full linked text and audio at
"you might think the pandemic is over. But you would be mistaken. As the WHO Director-General noted at the lifting of emergency status, 'The worst thing any country could do now is to use this news as a reason to let down its guard, to dismantle the systems it has built, or to send the message to its people that COVID-19 is nothing to worry about.'"
Reducing the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Spreading between People and Wildlife (advice from the CDC)
Eliminating the danger: too late for that; we've let SARS2/3 run rampant too long to get rid of it anytime soon.
Engineering/Administrative controls: Nope, no more working from home for you.
PPE: Yes, wear a mask. Even outside with the animals.
"[L]osing smell and, by association, your sense of taste is no longer a reliable sign that someone has a covid infection"
#covidisnotover #covidisairbone #wearamask