The thing about people who say masks don’t work is that they are typically talking about loose, unsealed baggy surgical masks that work about as well as Glad cling wrap would in place of a condom. People need to be educated about mask fit, seal, and quality. Good masks do work. #wearann95
#covid19 #covidisnotover
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #wearann95
@michael I hope they mean n95s because the more commonly used masks aren’t effective to protect you and to “not breathe it in”. #wearann95
Spouse home after essential visit to elderly mom. He wore N95 whole time, plus #CorsiRosenthalBox running. Asked her to wear N95, but she kept taking it off. He refused to enter doc office with her because office only had flimsy masks, no air filtration. Family thinks our precautions nuts, but everyone in mom's residence acts like Covid is over. This is in peak XBB1.5 area. He's neg so far; 🤞 #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearAnN95 #SurgicalMasksAreNotEnough
#surgicalmasksarenotenough #wearann95 #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #corsirosenthalbox
For the "masks don't work" crowd: you are correct, surgicals and cloth masks don't work very well at all. And no mask works when it's under your chin, not covering both nose and mouth, not well sealed (including floating on your beard), or removed when you eat/drink/cough/talk/etc. #WearAnN95 and keep it on. #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearARespirator Respirators aren't Darth Vader masks--they also include disposable KN95, KF94, N95.
#weararespirator #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #wearann95
If you got a mask on in your profile pic, Imma follow you #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #getvaccinated #getbivalentbooster #WearTheMaskOverYourNose #WearAnN95 #WearAMask
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #getvaccinated #getbivalentbooster #wearthemaskoveryournose #wearann95 #WearAMask
Please stay safe & try not to spread germs!!!
#HappyHolidays #WearAnN95 #TestFrequently
#HappyHolidays #wearann95 #TestFrequently
My zip code has had a 136% increase in SarsCov2 RNA levels in wastewater.
Please at least try to care about public #Health.
Get your free antigen tests:
#health #n95 #wearann95 #GetBoosted
If you're wondering why a bunch of #sheep have joined, specifically, it's because I read multiple journal articles every day & follow a lot of scientists & doctors all over the world, so that I can digest & brief my partner. We rely on their expertise to stay cutting edge & safe at home & at work. My partner is an #IPC officer, & you guessed it, he shields me. #COVIDIsNotOver #WearAnN95 #MaskUp
#sheep #ipc #CovidIsNotOver #wearann95 #MaskUp