(VIDEO) Brand Photoshoot Behind the Scenes https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bObDgDJrzus&feature=youtu.be #JacobPruitt #WearAtoms #photography
#jacobpruitt #wearatoms #photography
The #WearAtoms Model 000. Ridiculously comfortable sneakers. Yell if you want a discount code. (aff) buff.ly/3Lk2pDB
Thank you for watching and sharing my video. "Summertime Downtown Photoshoot Featuring Atoms 000" #JacobPruitt #photography #WearAtoms #shortfilm #bts
https://youtu.be/bObDgDJrzus (aff)
#jacobpruitt #photography #wearatoms #shortfilm #bts
The #WearAtoms Model 000: Gray. Ridiculously comfortable. These look good on me, for sure. I'm debating on buying a white pair now 😄. Yell if you want a discount code. Ha! (aff) shop.atoms.com/products/000-navy?dt_id=324723%3Bap:94235 Atoms
Watch "Summertime Downtown Photoshoot Featuring Atoms 000" #JacobPruitt #photography #WearAtoms
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bObDgDJrzus&feature=youtu.be (aff)
#jacobpruitt #photography #wearatoms
The #WearAtoms Model 000: Gray. Yell if ya want a discount code. Ridiculously comfortable. (aff) shop.atoms.com/products/000-navy?dt_id=324723%3Bap:94235 Atoms
Atoms Model 001: Green with White sole. Looks great. Hit me up for a discount code. https://shop.atoms.com/products/001-green-white?dt_id=324723%3Bap:92709 (aff) #WearATOMS
The #WearAtoms Model 000: Navy blue. Yell if ya want a discount code shop.atoms.com/products/000-navy?dt_id=324723%3Bap:94235
The new LIMITED EDITION Atoms Model 251 sneakers in collaboration with Marques Brownlee Marques Brownlee https://shop.atoms.com/products/mkbhd251?dt_id=324723%3Bap%3A104439 (aff). #project251 #wearatoms #CreatorsFirst #JacobPruitt https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwM2P3W/
#project251 #wearatoms #creatorsfirst #jacobpruitt
📽️ What a great product team Atoms has created with Marques Brownlee #Model251. These shoes are THE MOST COMFORTABLE SNEAKERS my family & I have worn. Not to mention, they LOOK GOOD. Give me a holler if you want a discount code. THX for the opp, team. #WearAtoms https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwpvxLY/
(video) #hardhead in the new LIMITED EDITION Atoms Model 251 sneakers in collaboration with Marques Brownlee Marques Brownlee . #project251 #wearatoms #CreatorsFirst https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwM2P3W/
#hardhead #project251 #wearatoms #creatorsfirst
The new Atoms Model 251 sneakers in collaboration with Marques Brownlee https://shop.atoms.com/products/mkbhd251?dt_id=324723%3Bap%3A104439 (aff). #project251 #wearatoms #CreatorsFirst https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwM2P3W/
#project251 #wearatoms #creatorsfirst
What a great product the team at Atoms has created with Marques Brownlee , the Model 251. These shoes are THE MOST COMFORTABLE SNEAKERS my family and I have worn. Not to mention, they LOOK GOOD. Give me a holler if you want a discount code for your order. #WearAtoms
The Atoms Model 251 created in collaboration with Marques Brownlee are not only good looking sneakers, but COMFORTABLE. #JacobPruitt is here modeling them and he LOVES them. Nicely done, team. Get a pair here (aff) https://shop.atoms.com/products/mkbhd251?dt_id=324723%3Bap%3A104439 #WearAtoms