Stefano Marinelli · @stefano
819 followers · 1887 posts · Server

Last Thursday, unexpectedly, we attended a concert by the Nomadi, an iconic Italian music band active for over 60 years. Their songs often resonate deeply, carrying profound and sometimes social messages.

One song, "Il fiore nero," struck a chord with me. Though I was familiar with it, I hadn't truly listened to its depths before. Essentially, it critiques those who judge and label, deciding that "the flower is black" merely because, in the absence of sunlight, its true color can't be seen. The song touches on how morality, religion, or societal norms can overshadow an individual's "sun" and prevent us from seeing their light.

Even if a flower loses its color, who determines it turns "black"? Narratives, biases, or distorted perceptions can shape our understanding of reality.

It reminded me of many individuals in the , shining in their uniqueness and freely expressing their personalities. Just like the various software on the Fediverse, distinct yet harmoniously interoperable.

#fediverse #mastodon #society #diversity #weareallbeautiful #nomadi #music #italianmusic #societalnorms #freeexpression

Last updated 1 year ago

Inaya Shujaat · @InayaShujaat
222 followers · 167 posts · Server

/ the really does remind me of . Just like back in the day (90s!) on the , Mastodon is predominantly , , and . I’m here for all of it, and love it!

#mastodon #fediverse #vintageinternetchat #worldwideweb #techies #artists #lgbtq #weareallbeautiful #makesocialmediasociableagain

Last updated 2 years ago