Queer may have been a derogatory term when I was growing up, but language evolves and so has the Pride banner. We are all in this together, we cannot allow parts of our community to be singled out and discriminated against by those outside and within the community. We are all Human, let's all act like decent ones and just love & support each other unconditionally.
#Queer #noLGBTwithouttheT #Love4OneAnother #WeAreAllHumans
#weareallhumans #love4oneanother #noLGBTwithouttheT #queer
Heartbreaking! 💔💔💔
Mexico finds over 50 unaccompanied kids from Guatemala in migrant truck | Reuters
#ImmigrationReformNow #Mexico
#Guatemala #TheyAreJustKids! 😢
#WeAreAllHumans #PoliticiansDoYourJob
#immigrationreformnow #mexico #guatemala #theyarejustkids #weareallhumans #politiciansdoyourjob
#GoodNews - Vom Kampf um Gleichberechtigung und Gleichbehandlung erzählen
Die „Julius“-Bar, die älteste Bar der queeren Community in New York steht unter Denkmalschutz und darf nicht umgebaut oder abgerissen werden.
#LBGTQ #BIPoC #NewYork #Rainbowflag #PowertothePeople #Rainbow #WeareallHumans
#goodnews #LBGTQ #bipoc #newyork #rainbowflag #powertothepeople #rainbow #weareallhumans
The end is near, for 2022 at least. The best SoMe oneliner I read this year and one I think everyone could learn and reflect a little about is this one:
“You are not less YOU because others are allowed to be more themselves”
#WeAreAllHumans #democracy #LoveIsLove #humanrights #BeYou
#weareallhumans #democracy #loveislove #humanrights #beyou
Today is transgender day of remembrance 2022.
There is still a very long way to go in this world to just accept anyone else as just another human being. We are all humans and we come in so many different variations.
#Transrightsarehumanrights #loveislove #weareallhumans #transgenderdayofremembrance
#transrightsarehumanrights #loveislove #weareallhumans #transgenderdayofremembrance