I wish little every syllable of that wasn’t an indictment of mainstream recruiting processes, but it SO is. I talked to precisely two companies in 9 months who treated my Neurodiversity as anything other than a black mark: Apollo, and my present employer, #wearecisco. Not turning shill for corporations now, but I believe in publicizing what people and orgs do right. Apollo’s recruiting experience and Cisco’s recruiting and onboarding experience we’re head and shoulders above the rest.
@queer_of_swords hey. I think you might find a pretty good home at Cisco. See what interests you and apply. It’s a great place to work. #wearecisco
We are hiring! Great opportunity! Great team! Great company! #wearecisco https://jobs.cisco.com/jobs/ProjectDetail/Senior-Government-Affairs-Manager-Public-Policy/1397161
El Paso, Texas, launches online portal for residents in need. www.ElPasoHelps.org. Proud to see Cisco technology powering this solution. https://statescoop.com/el-paso-texas-online-portal-cisco #ElPasoHelps #WeAreCisco
RT Cisco: Cisco’s purpose is to power an #InclusiveFuture for all. We show our allyship with the words we use and our intention behind them. Hear from two employees as they share their personal stories around language and belonging. http://cs.co/60193sVaT
#BlackHistoryMonth #WeAreCisco
#inclusivefuture #blackhistorymonth #wearecisco