Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 38 posts · Server

Original toot date: 15 March, 2023

- The Egalitarian Community Member.

Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.

(continued in reply)

#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
16 followers · 78 posts · Server

- The Egalitarian Community Member.
Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.

#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank

Last updated 2 years ago