It's got some #WeAreHere vibes too although that was basically alt-lite misognynistic neo nazi lite bro time...
#WeAreHere was fun to watch but boy was it weird...definitely didn't make #ElijahSchaffer come off as likeable in any way
"We deem it a settled point that the destiny of the colored man is bound up with that of the white people of this country. ... We are here, and here we are likely to be. To imagine that we shall ever be eradicated is absurd and ridiculous. We can be remodified, changed, assimilated, but never extinguished."
Frederick Douglass
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #wearehere
...and here's an archived link to an opinion piece about Swedish weapons export to Chile—and how these weapons are used (to this very day) to strike down protests in the country:
There is also historical proof of Swedish companies financing the coup d'etat of '73.
We're literally here, in Sweden, because Sweden was there... in Chile.
#WeAreHere #YouAreThere #YouWereThere #Chile #Sweden #Sverige #50YearsOfMemories #50ÅrAvMinnen #50AñosDeMemorias
#wearehere #youarethere #youwerethere #Chile #sweden #sverige #50yearsofmemories #50aravminnen #50anosdememorias
Here's a description of the image (explaining my thoughts aswell):
Graphic of an stylised eye in the colours of the chilean flag with fat, black borders. The iris is blue with a white pupil in the shape of the eight-pointed Mapuche star. The sclera is white, with red blood gathered at the bottom. A red drop (of blood) falls from one corner of the eye.
The eye is pointed upwards-inwards (leftwards in the graphic) as if unseeing/blinded/damaged.
Nine bullets are pointed towards the eye, forming the lashes. The bullets are blue and decorated with three yellow crowns each; the crowns being the national emblem of Sweden. (The colours are those of the Swedish flag, albeit with a border in a slightly darker shade around the graphic.)
#WeAreHere #YouAreThere #YouWereThere #Chile #Sweden #Sverige #50YearsOfMemories #50ÅrAvMinnen #50AñosDeMemorias
#wearehere #youarethere #youwerethere #Chile #sweden #sverige #50yearsofmemories #50aravminnen #50anosdememorias
Here's a description of the image (explaining my thoughts aswell):
Graphic of an stylised eye in the colours of the chilean flag with fat, black borders. The iris is blue with a white pupil in the shape of the eight-pointed Mapuche star. The sclera is white, with red blood gathered at the bottom. A red drop (of blood) falls from one corner of the eye.
The eye is pointed upwards-inwards (leftwards in the graphic) as if unseeing/blinded/damaged.
Nine bullets are pointed towards the eye, forming the lashes. The bullets are blue and decorated with three yellow crowns each; the crowns being the national emblem of Sweden. (The colours are those of the Swedish flag, albeit with a border in a slightly darker shade around the graphic.)
#WeAreHere #YouAreThere #YouWereThere #Chile #Sweden #Sverige #50YearsOfMemories #50ÅrAvTystnad #50AñosDeMemorias
#wearehere #youarethere #youwerethere #Chile #sweden #sverige #50yearsofmemories #50aravtystnad #50anosdememorias
We are here because you were there. We are here because you are there.
#WeAreHere #YouAreThere #YouWereThere #Chile #Sweden #Sverige #50YearsOfMemories #50ÅrAvTystnad #50AñosDeMemorias
#wearehere #youarethere #youwerethere #Chile #sweden #sverige #50yearsofmemories #50aravtystnad #50anosdememorias
We are here because you were there. We are here because you are there.
#wearehere #youarethere #youwerethere
Our lovely consultant wrote us this for us all to see in ED. We have loads of hugs, come see us if you need one 🙌🏾. #nhs #wearehere #together
Een terugblik met activist Savannah Koolen naar het onstaan van de #Vluchtkerk en het vluchtelingencollectief #WeAreHere 10 jaar geleden.
Dankzij jarenlange demonstraties en lobbywerk kwam er uiteindelijk een 24 uursopvang voor ongedocumenteerde mensen in Amsterdam. De landelijke politiek blijft echter haar kop in het zand steken en weigert naar een structurele humane oplossing te zoeken.
@aurynn I do for 2 reasons
1. Sometimes my brain just doesn't logic right so something like #wearehere gets garbled
Wear e here?
Weare her e?
We are her e?
Doesn't make sense but eventually I get to the actual one of #WeAreHere
2. There are people with screen readers that hear the non capped one as gobbledegook and those small capitalizations do so much to help many people
I literally have no idea if that is a joke or they are a real product. #WeAreHere
Involvement of deaf researchers and members of sign lg communities belong to core values in sign lg research. Please ensure that ethics statement in sign lg research be distributed as widely as possible. #wearehere #RepresentationMatters
#wearehere #RepresentationMatters
We Are Still Here demonstration: Permanent Residency [#Amsterdam, #Netherlands] - Read more: #WeAreHere #NoBorders #NL #antireport
#antireport #nl #noborders #wearehere #Netherlands #Amsterdam
*Drie passagiers opgepakt in vliegtuig na 'staan-actie' tegen uitzetting vluchteling*
"Passagiers van een #KLM-vlucht naar Nairobi zijn zaterdagmiddag in verzet gekomen tegen de uitzetting van een uitgeprocedeerde vluchteling. Dat gebeurde in het vliegtuig op Schiphol, vlak voor vertrek.
De passagiers kwamen in actie omdat gevreesd werd dat de vluchteling, de 25-jarige Ezzedine Mehimmid uit Soedan, bij aankomst zou worden opgepakt en gemarteld. Leden van de Amsterdamse vluchtelingengroep 'We Are Here' riepen eerder al op tot actie.
Drie passagiers zijn uiteindelijk door de Koninklijke #Marechaussee opgepakt en het vliegtuig uitgezet. De passagiers gingen voor vertrek staan, om zo de uitzetting van mede-passagier Ezzedine Mehimmid (25) te voorkomen. Volgens een ooggetuige verliepen de arrestaties erg hardhandig. …"
#repressie #deportatie #wearehere #marechaussee #klm
Dan zie je maar weer dat de #VVD en het #CDA niet zo ver van extreemrechts af staan. Krijgen we dan Catalaanse toestanden in #Amsterdam? Zetten Rutte en Buma het leger in? Misschien is die 'Republiek Amsterdam' toch wel een goed idee.
#wearehere #Amsterdam #cda #vvd