You can't make a bad person good if they were good to begin with. I support all anyone on the fringes of what white nationalists deem as normal. #LGBTinclusive, even if I might be homophobic myself. #WeAreInThisTogether the whitewashing of history is unacceptable, I stand with 'Queer Theory' #BlackHistory
#lgbtinclusive #weareinthistogether #blackhistory A short (10 minutes) about Lion Dancing, the pandemic, friendships, and life. #weareinthistogetherπ¦
@jbigham congrats! #weareinthistogether #blessed #inspiring
#weareinthistogether #blessed #inspiring
Heute Abend ist die BΓΆrse wie ein groΓer Freund, der leidvoll und einsam im Sessel sitzt. Aber wir wollen niemandem ΓΌbel nehmen, denn Goldman Sachs hat nur versucht, die BΓΆrse auf Trab zu halten und BASF seine Pflicht getan, die MΓ€rkte zu schΓΌtzen. Deswegen will ich dem Einsatz von Goldman Sachs und BASF fΓΌr die MΓ€rkte meine Liebe und Anerkennung aussprechen. Auf dass sie unsere Freunde seien, die uns vor Γberraschungen bewahren und vor unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen bewahren mΓΆgen. #ItsTimeToSupportGoldmanSachs #LoveForBASF #WeAreInThisTogether
#itstimetosupportgoldmansachs #loveforbasf #weareinthistogether
#Feditips Don't forget the alt-text on your images! If you don't know how to do it, ask someone. #WeAreInThisTogether #AllWeHaveIsEachOther
#allwehaveiseachother #weareinthistogether #feditips
Attempting to prepare for a week that could go a lot of ways.
Laying out barn boots, gloves, and warm toque. Gathering up dog treats, a clicker, and extra leash. Pulling out a suitcase and reading up on how to talk to children about death. *sigh* I am grateful I can provide help and comfort. #horses #RescueDogs #TherapyHorses #Auntie #Love #LifeAndDeath #WeAreInThisTogether
#horses #rescuedogs #therapyhorses #auntie #love #lifeanddeath #weareinthistogether
@stux I wish your mom a full recovery! #COVIDSucks #weareinthistogether
#weareinthistogether #COVIDSucks
[ε°η£η΄ εεζζ¨ζ]γ Love and support are what we need at the present time. #COVID19 #SolidarityMatters #FridayThoughtsγ
Show your love. #weareone #weareinthistogether
#COVID19 #SolidarityMatters #fridaythoughts #weareone #weareinthistogether
[ε°η£η΄ εεζζ¨ζ]γ It is important to include the internally displaced people (#IDPs) in national responses of #COVID19 because #WeAreInThisTogether. β₯οΈ γ
#IDPs #COVID19 #weareinthistogether
[ε°η£η΄ εεζζ¨ζ]γ Thank you #HealthHeroes πππππππππππ πππππππππππ ππ #YouClapForMeNow ππ πππππππππππ πππππππππππ #WeAreInThisTogether #coronavirusγ
#HealthHeroes #YouClapForMeNow #weareinthistogether #Coronavirus
[婦ε₯³ζ¬ηδΏι²ηΌε±εΊιζζ¨ζ] Call on every government to take into account the gendered dimensions of #COVID19 crisis! #WeAreInThisTogether #women #GenderEquality
#COVID19 #weareinthistogether #women #genderequality