July 7, 2023. Good morning. what worries me right now is that people are more worried about websites and social media being broken than they are about the world falling apart. Take care of yourself and the people you love, we're in for a bumpy ride. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #weareintrouble #peace #love #canada
There is 0 evidence that Covid-19 is mild.
Short term, ignoring it does boost the economy. Long term, it will destroy the economy. Anyone pushing to ignore it is looking to cash out quickly at the price of harming people.
Note that mild symptoms ≠ mild infection
Covid 19 is a vascular infection - when the symptoms are awful, it means it infected your lungs/respiratory tract heavily. That system has obvious symptoms of infection, so it's "bad".
Only one other organ has major symptoms of infection that relate to breathing - your blood. If your blood is infected, it loses capacity to carry oxygen, so breathing becomes more difficult.
Another organ, there are obvious symptoms of infection - you can lose your sense of taste and smell, experience fatigue, have trouble remembering things, feel like you're in a fog - that's a brain infection.
But other organs, Covid-19 can damage them, and you're unlikely to experience any symptoms, until they're damaged to the point they struggle to do their jobs. Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Intestines, Stomach, Bowels... the only symptoms are THEY STOP WORKING.
Every infection has potential to create new variants, which are less likely to be stopped by vaccines. Because it attacks your immune system, each infection makes you less protected from Covid, and everything else. Cold and Flu are worse after Covid. You're now immune compromised.
So no, Covid-19, a SARS virus (sort of true, SARS is Severe Acute *Respiratory* Syndrome, and Covid-19 isn't a respiratory virus, it's vascular... the most severe visible symptoms are when it infects the respiratory system, but visible ≠ most severe at all) key is SEVERE.
Get vaccinated, and wear a mask - the two mitigations that, when combined, give you a shot at not getting infected, and not doing severe damage to your body, and even if it doesn't kill you, shortening your lifespan. Remember the whole "every cigarette takes a day off your life"?
Well, every covid infection takes years off your life - and damage is cumulative. Each infection does more damage, and shortens your potential lifespan more than the last, also increasing the odds of long term disability and dysfunction.
SARS-CoV2-19 isn't a joke. And where it came from, who's responsible, is not relevant to anything when it comes to the effects the disease has on your body, it's going to keep doing its thing and killing/disabling people until we stop acting like it's no big deal.
#SARS-CoV2-19 #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotMild #WeAreInTrouble #WeAreInDanger #WearAMask
#SARS #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger #WearAMask
February 11, 2023. Good morning! I hope you have an amazing day, and keep safe, that Covid bug is insidious, and it's running wild. I suppose I should say "those Covid bugs" since there are so many variants now due to all the mutation happening. Stay safe! ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotMild #WeAreInTrouble #WeAreInDanger
#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger
January 28, 2023. Good morning! WTWSFM is going on in our world. Cops are crooks, Conservatives are evil, Kindness is a flaw, Hate is fashionable, Lies are normal, Cruelty is cool, Media is owned by politicians, Politicians are owned by billionaires. Be careful, stay safe. ☮️❤️🍁
#weareintrouble #GoodMorning #peace #love #canada
What's most infuriating to me about the way the provinces and media are downplaying the dangers of Covid-19?
We know the truth will come out.
We know the provinces will find a way to blame their poor decisions on Ottawa.
We know they're trying to blame their decision to blow all the covid relief money on things like highways, and adding it to general revenue to show off a shiny new surplus, rather than using it on health care, on Ottawa as well.
Finding out that Covid-19 is an airborne virus that attacks T-Cells, that weakens your immune system, finding out it can cause heart failure, brain damage - at some point, enough people will die, be disabled, that we won't be able to pretend anymore that this isn't just a passing thing near the end.
We politicized health and disease.
This pandemic (which is ongoing, and not endemic, or anything close to endemic) is benefiting from being ignored. It's getting stronger, more common.
So what happens when media comes out and admits all of this out loud in a way that people notice?
If they did it TODAY, we might stand a chance - but if they wait a year?
2022 saw the highest levels of Covid-19 deaths so far.
2023 is going to be worse.
If we clue in at some point in 2023 and admit that letting it spread was a devastating mistake, maybe we can get ahead of it.
Will we?
I have my doubts.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #HealthCare #Pandemic #WeAreInTrouble
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #healthcare #pandemic #weareintrouble
The Covid-19 Pandemic is not over. Because so many people have decided to ignore it, it will probably never be over. There are a few things you, everyone should know about Covid-19
1. More people have been hospitalized in 2022, and more people have died in 2022 with Covid-19 infections.
2. Catching Covid does not protect you from catching Covid again.
3. Covid is not a respiratory illness. Covid infects your sinuses, lungs, digestive tract, skin, brain, liver, blood.
4. A "mild" infection is one that does not focus on your lungs. That doesn't mean it's not bad, none of your internal organs have nerve endings that tell you they're hurting. What tells you they're hurting is when they start to fail, and you die.
5. A heart infection, which you will not notice, silently tears your heart apart. Heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots are likely in a heart infection.
6. Loss of taste/smell (on of the first things about Covid that was considered strange) means it's attacking your brain. Brain damage isn't reversible, the brain can re-route things, restore full or partial function. Whatever was in the part destroyed though? Lost forever
7. Blood infection. If your blood is infected with Covid, it will slowly lose the ability to carry oxygen. You will die gasping for breath, even if your lungs are in great shape.
Saying Covid is over is going to kill people, more each year as we move forward - PUT ON A GOOD FUCKING MASK AND STOP PRETENDING THIS IS OVER, IT'S NOT OVER, AND IT'S GETTING WORSE.
Just an aside, Covid-19 can also cause Erectile Dysfunction in men. Don't want a flaccid, floppy boner for the rest of your life? Don't want dates to laugh at your impotence and move on to someone else? Put on the damned mask.
OH, and then there's Long Covid - Covid infections that attack your brain especially, and leave you with lingering fogginess, confusion, never ending fatigue... Basically a Covid caused version of MS. You're disabled, or partially disabled, for the rest of your life.
#WearAMask #COVID19 #SARS2 #CovidIsNotOver #WeAreInTrouble #WeAreInDanger
#WearAMask #COVID19 #SARS2 #CovidIsNotOver #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger
“I like Hitler!” #Yedolf #alexjones #nickfuentes #MiloYiannopoulos #weareintrouble #antidemocracy #reichsburger
#yedolf #alexjones #nickfuentes #MiloYiannopoulos #weareintrouble #antidemocracy #reichsburger
November 30th, 2022. Good morning! It's the last day before we enter December, and while Canada may still be one of the freest countries in the world, Alberta has taken a sharply un-Canadian authoritarian turn, and I fear for our democracy. Pay attention, stay safe! ☮️❤️🍁
#peace #love #canada #weareintrouble #alberta #ableg