I will personally pay 1 of the $3k out of pocket if @nixos_org tells these fascists to go fuck themselves #nixos #wearemany
Remember, remember...
#Anonymous #wearemany #globalawakening #humanity
Remember, remember...
#anonymous #wearemany #globalawakening #humanity
Neoliberalism, over the past 50 years, has brought us closer and closer to a time of serfdom, where labourers were bound to their employers. You get little or nothing when you don't comply and not enough to live on when you do. When you are of no use to them when you are older, you get one of the worst pension in the western world.
Why are we accepting it?
#WeAreMany #TheyAreFew
#enoughisenough #EndNeoLiberalism #wearemany #theyarefew
Der Tag ist vorbei, aber der Kampf für Klimagerechtigkeit nicht!
Danke an alle, die sich heute in zahlreichen Aktionen dem fossilen Kapitalismus in den Weg gestellt haben. Die letzten Tage haben gezeigt Widerstand ist notwendig! #WeAreMany
🧵 mit Updates zu den Fingern
Yesterday at least 35 000 people tried to stop the eviction in #Luetzi which continued violently behind the police fortress. There was a lot of anger on the ground, thanks for that 💚🖤💜 We must continue, police and RWE can be disturbed by actions from the outside. #wearemany
Feeling a little exhausted today. Thankfully, #WeAreMany to keep going!
#ClimateChange #FridaysForFuture
The Fight To Keep Climate Change Off The Back Burner : Consider This from NPR : NPR
#wearemany #climatechange #fridaysforfuture
RT @LuetziTickerEn@twitter.com
[10:50] Demo started at 10.30 with the goal #Luetzerath.
#wearemany #luetzerathunraeumbar
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LuetziTickerEn/status/1613475615243370497
#luetzerathunraeumbar #wearemany #luetzerath
[10:50] Demo started at 10.30 with the goal #Luetzerath.
#luetzerath #wearemany #luetzerathunraeumbar
#Wearemany also means that there are countless activstis who make picture descriptions, cook, do the dishes, emotional support, look after kids, shuttle, answer questions, relax, read chat groups, organize, photograph and much more and thus defend #Lützi 💜🥰💚
"The sleeping giant is one name for the public; when it wakes up, when *we* wake up, we are no longer only the public, we are civil society, the superpower whose nonviolent means are sometimes, for a shining moment, more powerful than violence, more powerful than regimes and armies".
Rebecca Solnit - Hope In The Dark
#WeAreMany #Resist #EnoughIsEnough #RiseLikeLions #Solidarity #SupportTheStrikes #music #bookstodon #ProtestMarches ✊
Country Joe McDonald - Kiss My Ass
#wearemany #resist #enoughisenough #RiseLikeLions #solidarity #SupportTheStrikes #music #bookstodon #protestmarches
masto.es ya es la cuarta instancia de lengua española en número de users en https://instances.social
Menudo subidón! Vamos a por los compis de @tkz :ablobdundundun:
RT @NicolasWR
Dear Friends ❤️ Here’s some hot chills and warm thrills from my new show Copenhagen Cowboy 🤠 See you all on January 5th.