Dnes odevzdali požadavky kampaně za záchranu lesů s původní druhovou skladbou starších 120 let na @MZeCr - @ZNekula. Před vchodem do budovy jsme rozmístili pařezy symbolizující destrukci starých lesů, která nyní probíhá. #Nekacejte #WeAreNature 🧵👇
Saturday, April 22, 2023 is Earth Day. 🌏 🌎 🌍
We are but temporary custodians of Earth. Try to treat it gently. Its the only planet we have.
We Are Nature.
Between nature and music, there is a mysterious, irreplaceable, and eternal mystical connection. Besides conducting a symphony of sounds, nature gives, just like music, a source of inspiration and a place to be oneself.
Here I am, a harpist in a landscape, inspired and in awe.
#harp #soul #awesome #nature #landscapemusic #inspiration #creation #meditation #musicunites #wearenature #earthmatters #art #poetry #photography
#harp #soul #awesome #nature #LandscapeMusic #inspiration #creation #meditation #musicunites #wearenature #earthmatters #art #poetry #photography
I remember learning as a kid how similar hemoglobin is to chlorophyll.
And yet we will think we're different - and special - as humans compared to the rest of the natural world.
"Even the blood of plants is the blood of humans—the only significant difference is the magnesium atom in chlorophyll and the iron atom in hemoglobin. One captures light, the other oxygen." Vogt, Benjamin. A New Garden Ethic.
Nature is not outside us, though the window, to be visited on a Sunday afternoon. No, instead, it's something we are.
#Nature #Spirituality #wisdom #WeAreNature #NatureIsInsideUs
#nature #spirituality #wisdom #wearenature #natureisinsideus
Wise words from Nigel Dunnett
#wearenature #buildhabitat #buildsoil #gardenfornature #wildlifegardens #garden
#wearenature #buildhabitat #buildsoil #gardenfornature #wildlifegardens #garden
Loving this passage from Paul Kingsnorth this morning about our relationship with nature.
#wearenature #nature #sacrednature
RT @ueberallkeina49@twitter.com
It was a mystical moment as we went up at the tree. A traverse into the fog... frozen leaves and not knowing how this day will go on. #wearenature defending it self #danninovember #dannibleibt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ueberallkeina49/status/1324374522758418433
#dannibleibt #danninovember #wearenature
Hey @Polizei_Ffm@twitter.com ist heute bei euch auch #waschtag oder warum kommt ihr nicht? #wearenature